‘Work.’ It wasn’t entirely a lie. He had a ton to do and he’d got nothing done yesterday when he’d ended up just watching her looking out of the window.

She nodded slowly and stretched. His skin tightened.

‘I’ll order breakfast,’ he muttered. ‘You feeling okay?’

Did she have any morning sickness?

‘I’m fine.’ She got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

He’d never imagined he’d find bright-red, Christmas-stocking-stamped, brushed-cotton pyjamas attractive but it seemed there was a first time for everything.

The breakfast trolley arrived while she was still in the bathroom. Roman poured fresh orange juice into a crystal glass for her. Frustration locked his muscles when she emerged looking revitalised. Her hair was damp, her skin glowed, her faded jeans emphasised the curve of her hips and the white tee-shirt ended tantalisingly near to her narrow waist. His fingers itched to slide underneath it and then up to those gorgeous breasts of hers. How he wanted to see them again. To stroke them. To...

‘I think we need to understand each other better.’ She took the chair opposite the desk and reached for the glass he offered. ‘So let’s talk.’

Her business-like demeanour was a cool shock to the steaming resurgence of his desire. Talk? He suspected it was going to be more like an inquisition.

‘You want to interview me?’ he asked irritably. The last thing he wanted to do wastalk.

‘Might as well.’ She shrugged. ‘It’s a better way to spend the time than arguing, don’t you think?’

He was tired. Frustrated. Confused. There was no way he could stand much more time in this tiny compartment with her.

‘You want to get off the train?’ he asked. ‘There’s an excursion to a lakeside town today.’

She paused, then shot him a look. ‘Am I allowed?’

He glared back.

She blinked, all innocence. ‘I thought you had reports to write. Orders to issue. Weddings to plan.’

‘I can do all that tonight when I can’t sleep because I’m too close to you and you’re too hot.’ He was too grumpy to cope.

Colour filled her cheeks but she frowned. ‘Or are you just avoiding my interview?’

‘Am I so transparent?’ he murmured, pleased to see the effect his words had had on her. She’d been looking far too undisturbed. Now she was flushing again and her breathing had quickened. ‘Shocker.’ He cocked his head. ‘I guess there are other ways I could try to distract you from your inquisition.’

She swallowed, now avoiding his gaze. ‘Escaping the train for a little while could be good.’

‘Yeah.’ It would be averygood idea.

But then he saw her take in a determined deep breath.

‘Meanwhile, we might as well talk over breakfast.’ She took a sip of orange juice.

But it was a challenge he couldn’t ignore. ‘You really want an interview? Why don’t I just give you the highlights?’

She reached for a croissant. ‘Go right ahead.’

He gritted his teeth. ‘I was the first born. Heir to the family conglomerate comprised of an investment banking arm, a collection of hotels and luxury goods manufacturers. I received an elite, private education. My early childhood was good until my parents died in a car accident when I was ten. Then I went to boarding school for yet more elite education. As soon as I was done I went into the company—the banking side. I took complete control in my twenties and have worked to ensure its success in all areas.’

She stared at him. He braced. He knew she had a million more questions about all those things.

‘Is it what you always wanted to do? To run the company? You didn’t have other dreams?’

‘Honestly, no,’ he said flatly. ‘It’s in my blood.’ And, because of that, he would never let his company down. It was on him to continue the Fraser empire, in the corporate world at least. He wanted to ensure everything held strong so that if—when—Eloise was ever found then she would have everything. But she hadn’t been found and she never would be. And all that remained in Roman was that need to keep the business going well. He didn’t want anything more.

‘And why are you such a closed book? Why don’t you want people to get to know you?’ Violet gazed at him frankly.