‘You only told me your first name. And I...wasn’t in any state to make connections at that moment.’

His mouth quirked ever so slightly. ‘I live in a hotel that I own. Around the corner from another building that I own. In Manhattan. How many random guys do you meet in New York who can afford to live in a hotel like that?’

‘I don’t know. It’s New York. Aren’t there billionaires on every corner?’

He stared at her. ‘Seriously?’

‘Of course not seriously! Honestly, it’s beyond the realms of possibility in my world. It never even occurred to me that would be your...situation. It’s notnormal.’

He stared at her for another moment and she felt his muscles tense.

‘How did you get this job?’ he asked. ‘Did you know who I am all along? Have you just been playing me?’

‘What? No!’ She was outraged but his grip on her tightened. ‘I had no idea who you were. You never told me you worked in that building until I was at the hotel and I already had this job by then.’

‘How did you get it—this job?’

‘I met a manager who worked in your building. Only I never knew it wasyourbuilding. I never knew your name until...’ She breathed hard and made herself say it. ‘Until you told me when you had me naked and beneath you in your bed.’

Emotion flared in his eyes at the reminder. The rigidity of his body beneath her wasn’t something she could consider but her body responded regardless, melting against his even as she argued with him. Deep within she ached for even greater closeness—for the clothes to vanish. It was appalling—especially considering he was now accusing her of...of...she didn’t even know what, exactly. But it wasn’t nice.

Breathless, she talked even more quickly than normal. ‘She was a regular and we got talking. Her name’s Sasha. She’s lovely. She asked about my past. She suggested I apply. And I got the job. On my own merit, I believe. Not because I slept with you.’ She glared at him. ‘Unlessyouknew about this position andyouengineered the whole thing. Maybeyoumade Sasha talk to me and offer me the job. Maybe you orchestrated my being here.’

His mouth compressed. ‘I would never use my position to influence someone’s employment status. Why would I?’

‘So you could...could...’

‘Seduce you again?’ he said silkily.


‘We both know I could have seduced you again in seconds if I’d set my mind to it,’ he whispered fiercely. ‘Instead I respected your decision to end it that night. The idea that I setthisup isn’t just far-fetched, it’s ridiculous.’

‘Right. Just as ridiculous as the idea that I’d get this job here purely to get closer to you.’

They couldn’t get much closer than they were now. And now they werebothbreathing hard.

‘No one even knew you were coming on this damn train,’ she snarled.

Grudging respect dawned in his eyes but still he didn’t let her go. Still she didn’t try to move. There was something paradoxically comforting about being this close to him. It was just like that moment at Halloween when they’d stood locked together far beyond the duration of any outward danger. They’d stayed close because it had felt good,toogood to deny.

‘You really know nothing about Fraser Holdings?’ he eventually asked. ‘About the family?’

‘What is there to know?’ she asked acidly. ‘Is there some terrible curse or something?’

A shadow darkened his eyes before he blinked. ‘So you don’t know anything about me.’

‘Well, I know you’re awfully fond of demonstrating your brute strength.’

His lips twisted. ‘You don’t want to know more?’

She hesitated. ‘I already do. Your job tells me much more.’

‘Such as?’

‘You’re the boss. You’re a billionaire. Which means you’re used to getting what you want.’

‘Life doesn’t work that way, not even for stupidly wealthy people.’