‘I know that. But I’m not going to. Please.’

He kissed her and moved. Closer. So much closer. It was unbelievably intimate. She’d never imagined that she would feel this intimate with someone. As exposed or as vulnerable. He was barely breaching her body with his—only with the blunt head of his thick length, pressing ever so slightly in and back, again and again. It was so tantalising. So teasing. And she was increasingly hungry for more. Much more. And somehow she was searingly hot.

‘Roman.’ She was so glad she knew his name now.‘Please.’

‘I know,’ he muttered through gritted teeth. ‘I know... I know...’

‘I need more.’

His grip tightened on her hips, stopping her rocking up and taking him deeper. ‘Soon.’


His jaw locked even more tightly. ‘It might hurt.’

‘I’m ready. You know I am.’

His pupils blew and his grip dug. She drew a breath and a moment later he thrust hard—finally pushing his hot length all of the way inside her. He was so deep inside, so wide, and she cried out at the stinging, shocking sensation of literally being pinned by him.

He stilled, his gaze fierce and intent as sweat slicked his unbearably handsome face. ‘Violet?’

‘Yes,’ she hissed as the flicker of pain subsided and pleasure spiked in its place.

She had him. Her hands were greedy—she palmed then pressed his butt, pushing him against her. Keeping him deep in place. She arched her neck, savouring the sensations smashing down on her. He rocked, still locked so deeply inside her. It was so intense. So good.

‘Oh, my... Oh...’ She couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. Just like that, she paused, already on the precipice.

‘I like making you lose your words.’ He growled. ‘I like making you come. I’m going to make you come again. Again. And again.’

His thrusts literally punctuated his promise—deep and fierce. And it was so easy. So instant. So fantastic. She shuddered in his arms.

‘Sweet Violet.’

But his words were strained and now another kind of pleasure rippled within her as she realised he was at her mercy in the way she’d been at his. To see someone so strong, shuddering uncontrollably because of her heat, her touch... And when she clenched her body hard on his...

‘Violet.’ His focus blurred and his voice strained.

‘Harder,’ she whispered a sultry command, instinctively knowing it would make him lose control completely. ‘Take me harder. Make me yours.’

Whatever post-orgasm hormones were called, they were raging. Violet had thought sex was supposed to make you sleepy, but instead she was wide, wide awake. She needed to get out of here and process everything that had just happened. And somehow she had to do this without making a fool of herself.

All the anxiety she’d not felt, all the uncertainty... Now it hit.Hard.She swallowed and slithered from the bed, wondering where her dress and panties had been flung.

‘Where are you going?’ A growl came from the tousled, handsome length of masculinity still panting in the middle of the bed.

‘I should go, right?’ Guiltily, she paused. ‘I don’t want this to be awkward.’

She didn’t know what to do. Would he want her to stay? To leave right away? That had been so intense for her, she didn’t know where to put herself.

‘Has it been awkward at all already?’ he asked.


‘Then why would it be now?’

‘I don’t know how one-night stands normally end. Or when. Or anything.’

He stilled. ‘They normally end at the end of the night.’