But not tonight. Not now.

This was a mercurial, magic moment. One that was not going to last—thingsneverlasted. And, besides, he wasn’t going to seduce her. He wasnotgoing to seduce her. He was not going to...stop her from seducing him...which was apparently what was happening. Like a beautiful witch, she drew him closer until somehow she was only a breath away. But he was the one who’d moved.

‘Is that okay?’ She placed her palm on his jaw.

It was the sweetest whisper. Was she seeking his consent to her touch? Or to anonymity? What did it matter? It was always going to be yes.

Roman wasn’t normally lost for words or moves to make. But for a split-second he was paralysed. He gazed into her eyes, taking a mental snapshot, struck by the irrevocable realisation thatthiswas a moment he would always remember. He savoured the surprise and satisfaction flowing through him. But then she blinked and he saw a flicker of insecurity. He wasn’t havingthat.

‘Is it okay if I kiss you?’ he countered gruffly.

Her gaze shot back to his and that gorgeous colour filled her face. ‘Yes.’

‘Yes’ was the best word in the world.

He leaned closer, gently tasting the silken softness of her mouth.Thiswas what he’d been craving all the days and nights since he’d first met her. What he’d wanted then and what he wanted even more now.

He felt a jolt of recognition. This burgeoning excitement had a deeper origin than pure lust. This was special. But he immediately shook off the fanciful thought. It was the jet lag. The delight in seeing her again. In holding her close this time. But he couldn’t resist spending a long time just kissing her, delighting in the building heat of her response. It was perfection. Until it wasn’t. Until he needed more. And, given she was breathless and stirring, so did she. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her closer until she was sprawled across his lap. Her hair was mussed, her eyes gleamed and her mouth was deliciously full from the pressure of his.

‘We should have done this sooner.’ He growled.

‘We’re doing it now. Now is all that matters. Now is all there is.’

He lifted his gaze, seeking depth to her meaning, understanding.

‘I’m leaving,’ she added breathlessly. ‘Train trip.’


‘You don’t like them?’

She didn’t know his name, let alone know the train his grandfather had had built. So he teased. ‘Stuck in a small compartment for days at a time?’

‘You don’t think the rhythm of the track would be soothing?’ she murmured distractedly.

‘Oh.’ He smiled at her. ‘You like a soothing rhythm?’

She flushed and there was another flash of sweet uncertainty in her face. He kissed it away. He kissed her and kissed her until she stirred restlessly again in his arms. He loved the way she couldn’t stay still, that she couldn’t resist arching towards his touch. He pushed the bodice of her dress down and drank in the view of her lace bra. Then he unhooked it, unapologetically determined to see her bared. She had perfect breasts. He cupped them, loving the way they spilled into his hands, the softest feminine treasure. He lifted her easily, repositioning her to face him and pulling her forward so she was explicitly astride him.

Her eyes widened and her mouth parted, and he couldn’t resist a second longer. He teased each soft breast in his hands, then bent to taste her. The slide of his tongue elicited groans from her. Each deep, throaty moan of pleasure and need drove him wild. He teased her tight nipple between finger and thumb—a pinch, a release, a blast of heat as he then sucked her breast into his mouth. He repeated the treatment with her other nipple, feeling her arousal build with every caress, until even her groans faltered as her breathlessness increased. She was sensitive to this.Sosensitive. So very nearly undone.

Violet writhed, unable to stop herself from moving in sheer pleasure. His strength was all about her, his scent, his size. She sighed restlessly, seeking more of the huge, hard ridge of his erection beneath her. There were too many layers between them. Even so, she squirmed on his lap—she was so close to release. And, facing him this way, her breasts were exposed to his hungry gaze, to the torment of his fingers, to the rough lash of his tongue. She was desperate for him to assuage the hot, wet ache between her legs, but right now her nipples were so tight and sensation was screaming along her veins, deep into her belly as he alternated between soft, gentle suction and tiny bites.

‘Let go.’ His words were low and slurred.

An invitation. An order. A plea. Who knew? It didn’t matter. Her answer would be the same regardless of his intention. Because it was but a breath. A moment that would disappear if she didn’t breathe back.

‘Yes.’ She arched, jutting her breasts further forward, pressing her nipples hard into his palms. His mouth then teased hers, his tongue a mere taste of the full possession she ached for. His hips rocked beneath her, giving just enough rhythm to rub where she was wet and aching, teasing her with the promise of so much more. Teasing her until she could take it no more. Paroxysms of pleasure shook her and she cried out as the ecstasy hit.

When she finally opened her eyes, he was so much closer. His eyes were darker, that amber patch startling in intensity. She felt his energy coiled about her.

‘I’m taking you to bed.’ He stood, easily lifting her with him.

She wrapped her legs around his waist. ‘Yes.’

Moments later he placed her in the middle of a large mattress. The room was big and lush but she didn’t care. She had eyes only for him. And he didn’t leave her for a second. She trembled as he tugged her dress down and suddenly she was clad only in her panties. His gaze basically glowed—and somehow he heated her skin just by looking at her.

‘You’re sensitive,’ he murmured. ‘Very, very sensitive.’ His fingertips skated up her thighs.