‘Definitely that.’

He didn’t use a fork. He just picked his up and ate it all in one big bite, his gaze on her the whole time.

‘It’s so smooth.’ Violet’s taste buds were so happy, she could barely mumble. ‘I...don’t have enough words to describe it.’

‘Do you always talk so much you end up breathless?’ he teased.

It wasn’t the talking making her breathless, and from his amused expression he knew it.

‘You weren’t sorry to be working on Thanksgiving?’ he asked.

‘I don’t have family here.’ Her spine prickled with awareness of a predatory glint in his eyes. There was an edge that hadn’t been there at Halloween when he’d walked away from her. But tonight the way he watched her made everything zing inside. ‘You’ve been working today too.’


‘No big dinner, family event or thing to go to...?’


‘Alone again, then.’

‘Not now.’

He watched her so intently, it made her feel as if he could see into her head. Which made her blush burn hotter, because the images scrolling through her mind were appallingly inappropriate. This second—right here, right now—was the most exciting of her life. And, yes, she knew that was a little tragic. But what did it matter? This was what she’d wanted, right? Adventure. A life a little more...wild.

Energised, her pulse raced as she met his gaze. They might’ve fallen silent but the communication didn’t end. And those thoughts she was having—the crazy, indecent ones—he was having them too. She’d bet her life on it. But she was not having those regrets again. This time she was saying yes to everything. But not just saying yes—she would ask. Maybe even take.

‘This is really...’ She couldn’t think of the word any more. Not when he watched her with such heat in his eyes. Eyes that had been so remote the first time she’d seen him.

She wanted everything. On her terms. And here—with a man she barely knew yet instinctively trusted—she wanted to release the truth. She felt oddly able to be honest with him.

‘I’ve not done this before.’ She breathed.

‘Eaten pumpkin pie? Celebrated Thanksgiving? Gone back to a hotel room with a man?’

‘All of the above.’

He stilled. ‘Why now? Why with me?’

The suspicion in his eyes made her laugh. ‘Have you looked in the mirror lately?’

‘You’re saying it’s a superficial thing?’

‘Pretty much. I’m having a shallow moment.’ She nodded. ‘You’re...dazzling. And, honestly, I’ve been very sheltered. I haven’t had the opportunity to doanyof these things until now.’

‘Why so sheltered?’

She paused. ‘I come from a lovely family. They’re the best. Loving parents. Four older brothers. But...’

‘Four.’His lips curved.

‘They’re all alpha types too. Or they think they are. Brothers can be very over-protective.’ She glanced at him and laughed. ‘You’dbe an over-protective big brother.’

His smile froze. The chill was instant.

She bit her lip. ‘I didn’t mean to offend you.’

‘You didn’t. You’re just wrong, that’s all.’ He drew a breath and his smile returned, but it was a little forced. ‘Your brothers are all back in New Zealand, right? They’re not going to burst down the door and lay into me for being alone with their baby sister?’