Page 81 of Rogue God

“To where?”

“No talking about it until we’re in the car. No one except Addi knows where we’ll be. She’s booked it for six weeks. We’re going for a while on our own and then your brothers thought they could come to stay for a bit when you’re feeling stronger.”

“And you?”

“Not leaving your side for a second.”

“As my bodyguard?”

“No, Rogue. I am so much more than your bodyguard. I think we both know that by now, don’t we?” I stepped toward her and asked again. “Don’t we?”

She twitched her head in the smallest nod and I panicked that I'd read this all wrong.


“Do you want to go away with just me, Rogue? Sorry. I should have checked. I thought... I mean, we can take some more security if you don’t feel safe or you can go with your brothers if you don’t want me to come.” As I spoke, I hoped she couldn’t hear the crack in my voice as I thought about her telling me she didn’t want me with her.

Frankie reached for my hand and I swore my heart stopped. “I don’t feel safe if you’re not near me. I want to go somewhere where it’s just us for a while. Is that okay?”

“You're going to have to do as you're told.”

“You wish, Bear,” she laughed. “I should pack.”

“All done.”

“You packed for me?”

“I did, although it’s mainly PJs, yoga pants, and oversized tees.”

“Sounds perfect. Can you help me get dressed?”

“I will if you promise to eat something before we leave.”

“Promise. Then let’s get out of here.”

After picking up some new pain medication the doctor prescribed Frankie, we drove the two hours to the cabin, arriving just after lunchtime. The place was stunning. Eight bedrooms, and four baths, including the master, which had a clawfoot tub that sat in front of the floor to ceiling glass window so you could bathe while you looked out over the lake at the back of the property.

High ceilings, open fires in all the rooms, and a fully stocked kitchen. The place was secluded, at the end of a single track road that stretched for a mile, over a quaint little stone bridge that crossed a river. Surrounded by cameras that linked to a top of the range security system, I was reassured we’d be safe out here.

After we’d explored the house and I’d brought in the bags, I demanded that Frankie made herself comfy on the sofa, where I wrapped her in blankets and lit the fire.

“Warm enough.”

“I am. It’s like my own little cocoon.”

“You want lunch?”


“You’re getting lunch. I can’t cope with you not eating.”

“My stomach feels weird. I just don’t have an appetite anymore.”

“Frankie, I’ll be honest. You look like crap.”

“Thanks. You’re not looking so hot yourself, Bear.”

“I just need a shave and some sleep. You need to put some weight on before you disappear. Let me cook for you.”