Page 44 of Rogue God

Please don’t go in there with him because I’m jealous.

Please don’t him let me touch you because you’re mine.

Please don’t go in there with him because I’m so fucking in love with you that I can’t think straight, but I’m also torn up inside because my wife and son were murdered.

That last one hit me hard because I was in love with her. No matter how much I’d tried to deny it and ignore my feelings, I loved this woman, and I couldn’t stand back and watch another man take her from me.

As I let my feelings for Frankie settle, an image of Emma flashed through my mind, making me feel physically sick because I was betraying everything I'd promised her. I didn't know how to offer myself to Frankie without breaking my vows to my wife.

I wondered what Emma would say if she could see me right now, but deep down, I knew. She’d tell me it was time to let go, to move on, to live my life for them both. I knew that’s what she’d say because she had the warmest heart and she loved me with every inch of it. She’d hate how unhappy I was and how much I blamed myself, but knowing that didn’t make it any easier to forgive myself.

Stepping into the shadows of the screening room, I found the boys, and then I looked for Frankie, who was now sitting with Devon. The lights were still up, and I could see his hand on her thigh, his fingers spread wide as if he was trying to touch as much of her as possible.

Me: Please don’t give up on me.

She must have been holding her phone in her hand because I saw the screen light up. She read the message and I watched her sigh before turning her phone off and sliding it back into her purse. She smiled over at Devon, placing her hand over his as the lights dipped and the film began to play on the giant screen.

Chapter 13


Ihatedthesethings.I loved my dress, but I hated being at this event. I was only chatting to so many strangers that were here tonight because the evil witch Hazel had given me a lecture before we left aboutmaintaining the image of the bandand how I wasn’tpulling my weight.

God, I hate that woman.

So, I’d shaken hands, air kissed, and hugged my way around the room until my face hurt, and then I was met with Devon. He was a good looking man if you liked bright white teeth, slicked back hair, and leathery skin from too much time in the sun. I, personally, was not a fan.

Our conversation started innocently enough, but then he kept touching me, his body leaning closer and his conversation growing more banal. I normally would have made my excuses and left but then he told me he’d had the seating plan rearranged so we could sit together in the theatre, I knew I couldn’t kick up a fuss without Hazel complaining afterward. So, I fixed a fake smile on my face and thanked him.

When my phone buzzed in my bag, I cursed myself for not putting it on silent, glad it had gone off out here and not in the middle of the movie we were about to preview, which had our soundtrack spliced through it. The minute I knew it was from Matt, I could feel his eyes on me even before I spotted him in the crowded room. He looked furious. Jaw clenched, typing out messages, making my phone vibrate again and again.

This whole thing with him was frustrating the hell out of me. Making declarations about how much he wanted me, but then telling me he couldn’t let himself be happy. The way he touched me, the way he looked at me, how special he made me feel—I could tell he wanted more, but he always stopped himself from taking it any further. I didn’t want Devon, but I also didn’t want Matt to think I would wait around for him to change his mind. I wasn’t usually one for mind games, but from the look on Matt’s face and the messages landing in my phone, he’d already decided what was happening, so I just played along, waiting to see what he’d do.

I wasn’t expecting his final message though and now the thought of sitting through a film I didn’t want to watch, with a man’s hand on my thigh I didn’t want there, was making me feel sick.

Don’t give up on me.

I made it about an hour into the film when it all got too much. Devon’s hand was hot and sweaty, his warm breath constantly against my neck as he whispered to me throughout the film about what he wanted to do to me once we got out of there.

I hated knowing that Matt was somewhere nearby, his eyes watching, probably growing angrier by the minute. My heart raced, my skin grew clammy and my mouth dry. Luckily, we were sitting close to the end of the row.

“Devon, would you excuse me? I just need to step out for a minute,” I whispered before I stood.

“I’ll come with you,” he replied, standing too.

“No, stay. I’ll be right back.”

Pushing him back into his seat so he couldn’t follow me, I moved, the other people in the row standing to let me pass as I made my way to the side of the theater. Matt appeared out of nowhere, his eyes searching mine.


“I don’t feel well. Can we leave?” I murmured.

“Of course. Come on, let me get you out of here.” Placing his hand on my back, he led me out into the room we’d been in earlier. As soon as I was out there, next to Matt, I felt better. My heart rate slowed and my body relaxed as I leaned back into the only touch I wanted. “Just wait a second.” We paused while he made a call.

“Frankie’s not well. I’m taking her back to the hotel. You’re in charge, Eli. Don’t let Rob fuck you about. Everyone knows where they’re meant to be, but I’m staying with Frankie, so take Neo with you to the party with Tan and Mav. Okay?”

Hanging up, he then called the driver to meet us outside before leading me to the car. As soon as we were inside, he leaned over, snapping my seatbelt in place, before sitting back next to me.