Page 42 of Rogue God

“Fuck, Rogue, that’s gonna do it. I’m going to be smiling all day.” I kissed her forehead and reluctantly let her go. “Right, best get back to work. I’ve got a stalker to catch. I’ll see you later. Stay out of trouble, Rogue. Promise.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m so sick of the US now. I want fish and chips, rain, and a proper cup of tea,” Mav moaned. Tonight, the band was attending a premier of a film they’d done the soundtrack for. We were inside the theater at the preshow party filled with Hollywood’s finest.

The Gods had a huge team of security with them, but I’d been on edge all night. There were so many people around, it was hard to feel as prepared as I liked to be. It didn’t help that Frankie looked like a damn goddess and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

Wearing a stunning red dress with a fitted bodice and a huge ruffled skirt that finished just above her knees at the front but lengthened so it swept the floor at the back. Her long, black hair was straight and hung down over her bare shoulders, framing her heavily made up honey-brown eyes and deep red lips perfectly.

“Matt,” a voice pulled my eyes from Frankie.


“I need some shots of Grayson. The more risquè, the better. Make sure we can see he’senjoyingbeing newly engaged.”

“What?” I asked, shocked by her demand.

“You heard me,” her high-pitched, whiny voice replied. “I want them taking tonight.”

“Not my job, Hazel. You’re in charge of his PR.”

“And you’re in charge of his security, and he will need someone to keep an eye on him. I don’t want him to get lost or accidentally get in touch with that couple he pretended to marry. Make it happen or I will make sure you’re replaced with someone who will.”

“Bitch,” I mumbled as she walked away. She was awful. Brought in by the record label to clean up Gray’s ‘mess’. Yes, their three-way relationship wasn’t conventional, but it was obvious how much he loved Ethan and Ivy. I couldn’t understand why the label got to decide what was normal, how he should behave, or why he was going along with pretending to be straight.

I searched the room for the band. Tanner was joking with Mav and some other guests in the center of the room. Gray was with his fake fiancée, looking utterly miserable as she hung off him like a bad smell.

I quickly typed Ed a message to tell him Hazel’s plan for poor Gray and he messaged back with a rolling eye emoji and then a thumbs up, so I knew he’d deal with it.

I then scanned the room for Frankie again, although it was impossible to miss her. The dress, her height, her hair. She glowed and everyone seemed to notice it too, if the crowd of people around her, all vying for her attention, was any indication.

I watched the lead actor in the film, Devon Hail, made a beeline for her. Taking her hand, he kissed it before offering her an award-winning smile. He leaned into her, placing his hand on her waist, whispering something that made her laugh loudly, drawing the attention of the people around them.

I waited for him to step back and put some space between them, but he didn’t. Instead, he wrapped his hand around her waist possessively, guiding her to the side of the room where it was quieter. My fists balled at my side and my jaw clenched so hard I worried I’d crack a tooth. When he moved his palm to the small of her back—the part of her I was always drawn to touch—I felt like I’d be punched in the gut.

“Mine,” I growled to myself. I heard a chuckle as Tanner appeared next to me.

“You okay there, Matt?”

“Fine,” I fired back, my eyes still fixed on Frankie and that fucking asshole.

“I think we’re going to head inside, and afterward, Mav and I are going to a party for a couple of hours to show our faces. Don’t worry though, best behavior. No booze, no drugs, no women.”

“Are you sure you’re up for that, Tan?”

“I am. I’m doing good and Mav will keep me in check. I have no plans to drink, Matt… or take anything, I promise. Evil Hazel thinks it will do the band’s image good to be seen out with the high and mighty of Hollywood.”

“Ed and Rob going with you?”

“Yes, plus three of Thomas’ guys. We’ll be two hours max.”

“Kay. Text me when you’re home.”

“Yes, Mum.”

“Fuck you.”

“Matt, can I give you some advice? As a friend?” Tanner asked as we both stared out across the room.