Page 3 of Rogue God

Addison, our manager, sighed as she looked around at us all. Maverick and Grayson, my twin big brothers, nodded along with Tanner, the band’s lead singer, and my brother from another mother. I shrugged, not sure that my opinion really mattered, anyway. The Cosmic Gods wastheirband, and I was just a hanger on who was pretty good at playing the drums.

“Fine. If that’s what you want, we can hire Matt. I’ll have a chat with Rob. God, it’s days like today that I hate my job. Fuck off, the lot of you,” she huffed out, pushing out of her chair and walking to the coffee machine. Popping in a pod, she paused, waiting while it filtered into her mug.

We’d been the Cosmic Gods for almost seven years now and Addison had been with us since we were signed by the record label three years ago. We knew she loved us, even when she told us she wanted to quit—and she told us she wanted to quita lot—although right now there was no hiding that she looked stressed as hell.

“Oh, before you leave and do more shit to make my life harder, you’ve all met Matt, right? You all want him?”

“Me, Mav, and Gray have. Frankie hasn’t yet, but I know she’ll love him.”

I looked at Addi and shrugged again, silently sighing at yet another example of how unimportant I was to the three of them. I was always forgotten, left out, ignored, or just not included. I didn’t think they meant it; it was just the way it had always been. They’d only let me into the band because our mum made them let me practice with them and I’d been the annoying little sister who’d followed them around ever since.

“Get Matt in here for a meeting, Tan. You all need to decide that this is what you want. And that means Frankie as well. I should meet him, too. If we all agree afterward, then I’ll make him the offer and speak to Rob.”

Tanner pulled out his phone and made a call.

“He’ll be here in an hour,” he announced as he hung up.

“Fine,” I huffed out, annoyed, which I seemed to be a lot recently.Being surrounded by my brothers 24/7 is losing its appeal.“I’m going to jump in the shower. I’ll be back before he gets here.”

A heavy fist hammered on my door. “Frankie, get out here. Matt’s early, and Addi wants you to meet him now.”

“Fuck off, Mav. I’ve only just got out of the shower. Give me ten minutes.”

“Come on, sis. Don’t leave the poor man hanging.”

“Do you want me to come and meet him in a towel and make him quit before you even offer him the job?” I yelled as I tried to dry off quickly. “Just give me a couple of minutes to put some clothes on.”

“Fine, but I’m coming back in five minutes if you’re not out here. I know how long you take to get ready.”

Mumbling to myself about how annoying Mav was, I pulled on some underwear, a vest top, and leggings. I towel dried my hair roughly, so it didn’t drip on me, tying it up in a really messy bun before I opened my suite door to find Mav standing there, his fist clenched, about to knock again.

“Seriously, you have no patience, Maverick,” I fired out, furious with him. “I said I’d be there. Why are you harassing me?”

Mav wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me to his chest before licking the side of my face like he used to do when we were kids, making me recoil in horror.

“Chill, little sis. You’re an angry bugger recently. Maybe you’re in need of a good time to release some of that frustration.”

“Eugh,” I cried, using his t-shirt to wipe my cheek. “I don’t want to have this conversation with you. I thought we were in a rush.”

“Yeap, come on. I don’t want Tanner to put him off. You know what he’s like. And he’s about four drinks in already. You need to come and make us look respectable. Make the man want to protect us with his life.”

I stalked along the corridor, Mav close behind me, whistling annoyingly.

I was busy fiddling with the tendrils of my hair that had already fallen loose from my hair tie, looking down at the floor, so I was met with Matt’s boots first.

My eyes drifted upward to find enormous, thick, jean-clad thighs, wide hips, and a solid torso covered in a skin tight white t-shirt. Matt was huge. No, Matt was gigantic. My brothers were toned, but long and lean with it. Matt was the polar opposite. He dominated the space he filled. My heart raced as I took him in, licking my lips as I appreciated the fine man standing in front of me. His body primed to perfection.

The outline of his pecs were clear to see beneath his shirt, while his biceps nearly burst out of the confines of his short sleeves. Dark hair covered his corded forearms, yet his head was shaved and his face smooth. I finally landed on his deep green eyes that looked like they’d been forged in the canopy of a forest. I couldn’t hide the smile that tugged at my lips.

“Matt, this is Frankie, superstar drummer, and our little sister,” Tanner introduced me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, his words making me blush.

“Frankie,” Matt said as he held out his hand.

I shook it, enjoying the warmth of his giant palm in mine, wondering for a moment what his hands would feel like on my body, before silently cursing that Mav might be right about me needing to get laid.

We spent the next half an hour chatting about Matt’s experience while Addi explained what we’d need him to do if he came on board as our head of security. I didn’t hear a word of what was said, mesmerized by the way his rich red lips moved as he spoke and how the timber of his voice vibrated through me, making my nipples hard and my clit hum.

Eventually, I heard Tanner welcome him to the Cosmic God family, which I knew would make Addi furious because we hadn’t agreed on anything.