Page 35 of Rogue God

He was spending his days protecting Emmy and things around here had got pretty intense as we worked out that Tanner’s stalker was getting closer and closer to him and to us and none of us knew how.

We now had more security. Specialist security provided by a man Matt knew. I wanted to ask him how he knew a load of stupidly scary mercenaries with guns, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. And he was so cagey about his life outside working for the Gods that I was afraid to ask.

He was busy scanning the hotel or the venues we were playing at for bugs, hidden cameras, or people that might be a threat to us, and then we were playing most nights, but he still checked in on me at the end of the day, even if it was a quick facetime call. Being on the bus was harder. He was surrounded by the other members of the security team so we couldn’t talk. On those nights we’d text for hours.

I’d had lots of friendships, but never one like this. I’d never had a friendship that felt like a relationship.

We were in Italy, but unlike the other places we’d been, where my brothers and I made an effort to explore and spend some time together building bridges, here we’d all retreated.

Tanner was in a foul mood and then yesterday someone tried to kidnap Emmy, leaving her a note telling her to get into a waiting car, so it looked like Tanner had written it. It was so realistic I think any of us would have fallen for it and it freaked us all out.

I’d been holed up in my room all day, avoiding the world. A knock sounded on my door and butterflies awakened in my belly, knowing who it was because no one else ever knocked around here.

“It’s open.”

Matt opened the door, and I tried to withhold a groan as my eyes raked over his body as he stepped inside my suite. He was dressed in a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his corded arms and huge biceps. Black jeans wrapped around his thick thighs, and he was barefoot again, obviously having come here from his room. But while his body looked delicious, he looked exhausted. Bags shadowed his green eyes, dulling their color. His usually clean shaven head and face were covered in more than a few days' worth of growth and his body was wound tight, ready to explode at any moment.

“You should really check who it is, Rogue before you tell people to come into your room. Have I taught you nothing?”

“Yes, sir.” His eyes blazed, as they did every time I called him that. It was why I liked doing it so much. I wondered if that was how he looked like that while he was fucking or when he came.

Stop it, Frankie.

“You good, Rogue? You looked flustered. Has something happened? Tell me,” he demanded, his voice heavy with concern.

I stood from where I’d been sitting on the sofa and stepped towards him, pressing my hand against his chest so he knew I was telling him the truth because I didn’t want to add to his ever increasing stress levels. “No, honestly, big man, I’m good. Look at me. I promise. Nothing’s happened. The last few days have just been a lot. How’s Emmy?”

“Bruised, and furious as hell. She’s just home from the hospital if you want to go see her yourself. She’s determined to find out who’s doing this, but it’s not her job to find them, it’s mine. Otherwise, I’m failing miserably and you should all fire my ass.”

“That’s not true and you know it, Matt. You’re not going anywhere. You keep us safe. You go above and beyond to do that. I don’t remember the last time you had a day off or left us in someone else’s hands. You, big man, you are the reason we’re all still here.”

He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck, closing his eyes as he sighed loudly.

“I think maybe I should be asking you how you are. You look exhausted. Are you okay?”

“It doesn’t matter how I am, as long as you’re all safe.”

“It matters if you’re too stressed or exhausted to do your job, tough guy.”

Staring down at me, he looked defeated. “To be honest, I could do with a hug, if there’s one going.”

“A hug I can do. Come here.” I stood on my tiptoes. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled his head to my shoulder. Finding the hem of my pajama top, his palms moved, seeking out the curve of my lower back.

“Better?” I murmured, the feel of his hands on my skin leaving me breathless.

“You have no idea.”

We stayed for a while; me raking my fingers against his stubble covered scalp and him rubbing circles on my back with his thumbs till my body pulsed with desire.

“I could stay like this all night, but I should let you sleep, Rogue,” he murmured, exhaustion slowing his words, but he made no attempts to move or stop touching me.

“Why don’t you stay the night?” The words were out of my mouth before I realized what I was saying. I held my breath while I waited for his reply.

He stepped back, breaking our connection.

“I’ve explained. It’s not a good idea to blur this line.”

“No funny business, big man. Just a hug. One that lasts all night. You’re not that irresistible that I will jump you in the middle of the night.”