Page 33 of Rogue God

She’d poured the snacks together, mixing them in a bowl before throwing some fruit in, too. I watched out of the corner of my eye as she smiled every time she got something she liked, but pulled a twisted, unhappy face whenever a piece of fruit reached her lips.

I couldn’t explain why being around her felt so right, so I tried not to overthink it because I knew I would end up running, and right now, I didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world.

She’d leaned back against the sofa and stretched out her long legs, placing her feet on the coffee table. She looked relaxed and so God damn normal, it was easy to forget just how famous she was.

“Blimey, it is warm in here. Is it you? Are you filling my suite with your body heat?” she asked, slapping me playfully on the thigh.

“No, it’s because you have the heat turned up and you’re making us sit under blankets when the sun is blazing outside.”

“Fine.” She stood, tutting, before turning down the thermostat, and clicking a button to make blackout blinds cover the windows. She flicked on a couple of lamps around the room before making her way back to the sofa. As she sat, she shimmed out of her sweater, leaving her in just her shorts and vest top.

NowIwas overheating, but it had nothing to do with the temperature of the room and everything to do with her. In those shorts, being so close to me that I could reach out and lay my hand over her thigh, press soft kisses across her shoulder, or roll down the strap of her top to prove what I already knew—that she wasn’t wearing a bra.God, does she have panties on?

My heart pounded at the thoughts of all the things I could do to her… that I longed to do to her. I wanted to touch her so much my body burned for her. I distracted myself by kicking off my trainers and pulling my socks off so I could cool down.

“Hate having hot feet,” I laughed as I looked at her staring at me like I was a weirdo.

“No judgment here, big man.”

“Big man?”

“Well, you have a nickname for me, so I’m trying some out with you.”

“And what other ones have I had, other thanbig man?”

“Oh, trust me, I’ve called you some names in the past. Most of them not nice.”


“No, no need, Matt,” she interrupted my long-overdue apology. “It was a long time ago. Let’s just watch the film.”

We watched the rest of the film in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. At some point, I’d stretched my arm out over the back of the sofa. I didn’t notice she'd moved until her body was pressed against my side, settling in like she was made for me and I wished, not for the first time, that I could keep her this close to me, forever.

She lifted some popcorn to her mouth, but I bent, sucking it from her fingers before she could eat it. Lifting her head to look up at me, it took everything in me not to kiss her.

“Rude. I thought you knew I don’t share food.”

“You didn’t share. I stole it.”

She laughed hard and I couldn’t resist pulling her in tighter to me. And that’s how we stayed. Neither of us wanting to stop whatever this was, but neither of us wanting to admit that anything was happening at all.

After a while, Frankie sighed.

“What’s up, Rogue?”

“Honestly, I need the loo, but I’m worried that when I get back, you’ll have moved and I won’t be able to cuddle into you anymore.”

I love how honest she is.

“Go. I promise I’ll be right here waiting. I won’t move an inch.” She lifted her eyes to meet mine in a silent question. “Really. Go. But no knocking yourself out.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered before she jumped up from the sofa.

Minutes later she was back, running back from the bathroom and leaping over my legs to reclaim her spot. I’d kept my word and not moved, so she slipped comfortably back into the same space, where we watched the second film curled into each other like it was the most normal thing in the world, until room service delivered dinner.

We sat at the small dining table in her suite to eat the steak I’d ordered us. Frankie was silent apart from some long, loud groans that were having such an effect on me I hadn’t tasted a thing I’d eaten so far.

“You enjoying?”