Page 25 of Rogue God

“Here’s how it will go from now on. No member of the band is to go anywhere without one of you. If they are in their suites with a guest, you are outside their door. If they are home alone, you will wait outside the penthouse. Someone will be responsible for the elevator at all times. You will be given your security responsibilities each morning, but things change, so if something unexpected comes up, you do not make a move without running your plans past me first.” I paused to let that settle over the now silent room.

“Now, that pisses me off because you are all grown ass men who were hired because you were good at your job, but no one is showing me that. So this way means more work for me because I have to hold your hands until you get it right. I understand that some of you have been with the God's a long time, but they are not the same four kids they were. They are a world famous band who are recognized everywhere they go. You can’t expect the security measures you took with them when they started to be effective now. They need more and it’s my job to make sure they get it from you all. So, you can either step up and do what you’re paid to do, or you can leave.”

I looked around the room and while no one seemed very happy about the dressing down I was giving them, they didn't seem eager to leave.

“And let me reiterate my point: if I see one member of the band alone and you’re meant to be with them, I will sack your ass on the spot. No second chances with any of you.”

Rob stared at Addi, waiting for her to argue with me, but she simply nodded, backing me up completely.

“Right, give me fifteen minutes to chat with Addi about the plans for today, and I will come to find you with where you need to be.”

They all moved silently from the room.

“Neo,” I called, making him turn and wait for everyone else to leave. “Frankie has a habit of wanting to break all the rules and she’s clumsy as hell. Keep a close eye on her for me, will you?”

“Of course. That girl is full of fire. I love taking care of her. But she always wants to know where you are. I think she might like you best and you taking a knife for her will probably mean she likes you even more now.”

“Yeah, not sure that’s the case right now, so please, make sure someone has eyes on her all the time. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her.”

“You mean if anything happened toanyof them,” he offered with a wink, knowing there was way more to this conversation than I was letting on.

“Of course,anyof them. Thanks, Neo.”

I couldn’t hide the sigh that fell from my lips as I remembered the way Frankie felt pressed against me last night, coming around my fingers, and I wondered if she’d ever forgive me for how I behaved.

Chapter 7

Matt - 18 months later

Iwatchedhergiveher speech from the side of the stage, my heart aching and my body begging me to tell her how I felt. It had been like this for forever. I’d tried to let her down gently, but after that mind blowing night when she gave me the best orgasm I’d had in years, everything changed. I didn’t think it had changed because of what we did. It changed because of what I said afterward. I told her I didn’t want her. That it wasn’t a good idea. That I couldn’t do my job if we were together. I’d lied. I had to. And, although she never said it, I think I broke her heart, or at least put a dent in it.

Since that day she’d been civil, but she’d never invited me out with her again, never taken me for dinner, and sadly, never let me see her in her pajamas. I became just another member of staff to her, and I deserved her apathy for how I’d behaved. The scars on my arm from that night were my only reminder that our time together really happened.

As she stepped off stage, her boyfriend, Jimmy, walked to meet her in the wings, kissing her passionately, palming her ass through the stunning green dress she wore.

I hated that man. I mean, I hated him because he got to put his hands and mouth on Frankie every day, but there was something off about him. Something strange about how he was with her. As if he was trying far too hard to be the perfect boyfriend. I struggled every day not to rugby tackle him to the floor and punch him repeatedly in the face.

I glared at him as he led Frankie from the back of the stage, knowing Neo would escort them out of the building to their car and back to the hotel. The hotel where he would help her out of the bath, look after her when she was hurt or ill, and get to see her in her crazy cartoon pajamas.Things I wish I could do.But as jealousy slammed into me, I remembered Emma and Alfie and felt guilty for not carrying their loss at the forefront of my mind. I didn’t deserve to be happy again, and I couldn’t let myself get close to someone who might be taken away from me. The risk was too great. So, I’d watched Frankie with another man for the last six months, while she thought I couldn’t care less.

My phone pinged, pulling my stare from Frankie and that douchebag.

Thomas Lanton: I think you have a problem. This is NOT suitable to watch around anyone else.

Next, a video appeared. I stepped into a side room and pressed play. What I saw made me want to throw up and kill people. One person in particular. I wondered who to show it to. Addi would flip, and the twins wouldn’t be able to cope, so there was only one person left who would get it.Tanner.

Me: Where are you? I need to see you ASAP. This is urgent.

Tanner: Hotel.

Me: Wait there. I’ll be back as soon as I can.

It took me an hour to make sure everyone was where they were meant to be and safe before I could go see Tanner. Knocking on his door, he yelled for me to come in and I found him sitting on the sofa in just a pair of shorts, his tattooed body screaming rock star.


I didn’t have any words, so I pulled up the video, handing him my phone.

“What the fuck is this?” he barked out as he watched.