Page 116 of Rogue God


“The cabin.”

“You don’t mind that I bought it?”

“No. I’m happy to be a kept man. You let me buy your engagement ring. That was what was important to me. You can buy me as many houses and fast cars as you want. I have one condition though.”


“You let me see a house before you buy it. I want us to make these decisions together.”

“That I can do. Now let’s sleep so it can be tomorrow, and we can get the all clear from the doctor.“

“Frankie, you’ve healed well. I see bedrest helped.” Dr. Vaughan couldn’t hide the sarcasm from his voice as he pulled down my top and helped me off the examination table so I could take a seat next to Matt. “Matt, you’re not faring so well. I’m worried about how tired you are. Your blood pressure is lower than I’d like, so I’m going to give you some medication, but I think your body just needs more time. It’s only been a few weeks, so I’m signing you off work for another six weeks. I know with your job that’s hard, but you need more time to recover.”

“I’ve quit my job… well, actually, that’s not true. I got a promotion, so I’m overseeing all the security for the record label. Less hands on work and more logistics and planning.”

“Good. That’s good. I would say no more than a couple of hours of work from your desk a day if possible. Lots of rest. Listen to your body.”

“And sex.”

“Ah, yes, the important question. I’d like to say no, but I don’t think either of you are going to listen, so my advice would be to take it easy. No bedroom acrobatics, no sex standing up. You’re in no state still to be pulling Matt in bed if his legs give way again. Keep it in the bed and maybe let Frankie be on top. That would be better for her stomach, anyway.”

“Sorry, Doc. This probably isn’t in your job description,” I whispered, feeling humiliated by this entire conversation.

Dr. Vaughan laughed. “It’s fine. Now go home and rest some more. I want to see you again in six weeks, Matt, and we can see how you’re feeling. Any problems before then, though, give me a call.”

I stood to leave, but Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me gently back to my seat.

“One more question. Is it safe for Frankie to get pregnant? I mean, with the damage from the gunshot and then the tree.”

He paused, looking between us both. “I don’t see why not. I mean, your body has been through a lot, Frankie, and we would want to keep a close eye on you because of your kidney and the internal damage from the bullet, but there isn’t any reason not to get pregnant. I would maybe work on your core strength and start taking some prenatal vitamins that I can write you a prescription for, but remember, Matt’s supposed to be taking it easy,” he offered me with a knowing nod of his head. “Let me get your medication sorted and you kids can get out of here.”

Chapter 32


“Yes,Addi.We’rebothfine. It’s just that Matt’s still exhausted and his blood pressure is too low. He’s signed off for another six weeks… I know, I will. We’re heading back to the cabin now. I think we’ll stay there for a few weeks, and he can rest. He’s got his phone and laptop so he can still work but the doctor suggested we keep it to a couple of hours a day. Does that work for you?”

I pulled the car up outside the cabin and turned off the engine.

“You’re the best, Addi. Thanks... No, we don’t need anyone else here to watch us. We’re not planning on going anywhere and if we do, I’ll call and let you know.”

Frankie blushed and laughed at whatever Addi had said before she said bye and hung up. Looking over at me through her long dark lashes, she bit down on her bottom lip. “You wanna go inside, Bear, and get some rest? You look exhausted.” She leaned over the center console of the car and ran her fingers over my cock, making it instantly hard. I groaned, and she smiled, pressing her palm against my length, rubbing until I couldn’t take any more.

“Inside. Now,” I commanded, and she wiggled her eyebrows.

“Yes, sir.”

I growled. She screamed, running from the car to the house, while I stepped out, slamming and locking the door before following her, wishing I had the energy to run because I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her.

By the time I reached the house, she’d already got inside and disarmed the alarm, obviously having started stripping her clothes off, leaving them in her wake as she went upstairs. I locked the door and reset the perimeter alarm, so I knew we were safe before I followed.

When I got upstairs, Frankie was nowhere to be seen.


“Bathroom. Get your clothes off, bear. Rest remember? It’s time for bed.”