Page 107 of Rogue God

“Cabin. I want you all to myself. Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

The car crossed the temporary bridge that had been installed and dropped us off at the cabin. Neo came with us to check the place was safe and placed our bags in the bedroom before promising he was staying in town until we were ready to join the others and was only a phone call away. He closed the door, and the silence hit me, the last few weeks overwhelming me.

We were so happy and then one phone call and we weren’t. Sobs ripped from my chest as the enormity of everything that had happened to us both, not just here, but everything in the months… even years leading up to it, became too much.

Wrapping his giant arms around me, Matt pulled me into his chest and I was grateful to feel the warmth of him again. “Hey, Rogue, look at me. It’s okay. We’re both safe now. Is this too much? Do you want to leave?”

I pressed my face into his chest, unable to meet his gaze. “No. I just… I nearly lost you.”

“And I nearly lost you, but we’re here. I’m not going anywhere without you ever again.”

“When you helped me out of the river, I watched you vanish. I thought you were dead. I thought—.”

Pulling back slightly, he lifted my chin with his fingertips before cupping my cheek in his palm, using his thumb to wipe some of my tears away. “Hey, no more looking back. For either of us. It’s time to build a future together. When we’re back in the city, we’re going to go shopping and I’m going to buy you a ring that tells the world you're mine.”

“No way. I’ll pay for it. I don’t want you spending a fortune on a ring for the world to judge,” I argued.

“Fuck off. Sorry, but no. I will buy you the perfect ring for you. I don’t care what the world thinks about it as long as you like it. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

Matt growled, and for the first time in weeks, he felt like my bear again.

“That sound,” I giggled.

“You like it when I growl.”

“I do.”

He stepped back, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Take your clothes off. Let me look at you.”

I started to peel off my top. “Still can’t wear a bra. It hurts too much.”

“I told you, Rogue, I don’t think you should ever wear a bra again.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t be saying that when I’m on stage again in front of the world.”

“Good point. You can wear a bra for the world, but not for me.”

I stepped out of my leggings and panties and stood naked in front of him.

“Fuck. Let me see.” Matt pointed at the dressing on my stomach, so I peeled it off, wincing as it pulled on my sensitive skin. I already hated the scar from the shooting, but I’d been getting used to it. Now I had one more to add to the pile. Wrapping my hands around myself, I tried to hide from him, suddenly feeling nervous and exposed.

“Rogue?” he questioned, placing his hands lightly on my hips. When I didn’t move again, he raised his eyebrows at me. “Let me see your body, Frankie. Don’t you dare hide yourself from me.”

My head hung low, and I shook it from side to side, not wanting him to look at me and feel pity or guilt.

“You have the most beautiful body. Your scars show how strong you are. How much you can endure. They make you unique. Rogue, you’re a warrior, a Cosmic God. Fuck, you’re mine and I won’t let you do this to yourself. Let me see you.”

When I didn’t move instantly, a low growl rumbled from his chest. I glanced up to see the fire in his eyes as he reached for my hands, peeling them away from my stomach. Turning us around so my back was against the counter, he lifted off his t-shirt and stepped out of his sweatpants, leaving him as naked as me.

“I have told you for years what I think about, Rogue. You are a goddess. The world loves you, but me… I’m the lucky one. I get to kiss you and hold you and listen to your dreams and secrets. I get to drop to my knees and kiss every inch of you to show you just how perfect you are. Because you are, Frankie Hill. Scars or no scars, you are perfect. There isn’t one thing I’d change about you. I wouldn’t change your scars or your love of kids' sleepwear or your appetite or your job. I want every part of you.”

Despite his beautiful words, I had to grip the counter to stop my hands from covering myself again. Matt placed a light kiss on my lips before he kneeled before me. His fingers traced the scars on my stomach, following his fingers with his mouth. Light kisses replaced with open mouthed attention over the sections he knew didn’t hurt anymore.

“Open your legs, Rogue.”