Page 101 of Rogue God


“Frankie,Frankie,Ineedyou to wake up. Frankie, open your eyes. You’re going to want to hear this.” My eyes fluttered open, and I groaned as I tried to sit up, the pain in my stomach reminding me that I had yet more stitches, but these were superficial, although they hurt like hell.

“What?” I asked, turning my attention to Emmy.

“They have Matt. They found him. They’re bringing him in by helicopter now, lovely.”

I grabbed her hand. “Is he… is he alive?”

“He is. Cold. Unconscious. But alive.”

“I need to go and see him. I need to talk to him.”

She pushed my hair from my face, offering me a small smile. “The best thing you can do is wait until the doctors have had a chance to check him out, then, I promise I’ll take you to him.”

“Where’s Addi?”

“She’s gone to meet the helicopter. And to make sure the boys are okay.”

“Help me get up and get dressed. I can’t just sit here.”


“Don’t Frankie me,” I yelled, every word hurting my body. “I will not sit here, waiting until someone delivers news. I need to be near him. I need to wait with all of you.”

“We’ll come and wait in here with you, Frankie—”

“No!” I swung my legs off the bed, groaning as my stitches pulled painfully.

“Fine. Fine. I’ll help you,” she stammered. “Just take it easy. None of us can cope with you having to go into surgery again because you wouldn’t take care of yourself.”

Emmy helped me out of the hospital gown I was wearing and into some joggers and a t-shirt she’d brought in for me, carefully maneuvering around the large white dressing across my stomach. “Shoes on and then we can go find your man.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, fear stealing my bravado.

Emmy’s phone rang as we were walking out of my room into the hall. “Tan… Okay, we’re on our way... Yes,we. She won’t stay in bed. She’s more stubborn than you. I’ll see you in a minute.”

“Wheelchair, Frankie?”

“Nope. I’m fine. Let’s go.”

We made our way to the emergency room as fast as I could move—which wasn’t very fast at all—to be met with my brothers and Addi as well as five of our security detail. Neo stepped forward, wrapping me gently into a hug. “We’re right here, Frankie. Whatever you need, whatever Matt needs, we’re right here.”

“Thanks, Neo.”

“And he said you were trouble. I think he’s officially taken that label now.” He offered me a wink before he moved back to sit with the rest of his team, and I offered them all a smile and a wave.

Tanner stood from his seat, looking exhausted. Pushing his hair back from his face, I noticed he was covered in mud. “Tan?”

“He was by the river, miles away. We found him washed up on a bank that looked like the river had carved out during the storm. Kain found him.”

“Kain? Kain Oakley?”

“Yes, he said you called him. Do you not remember?”

The whole night was a blur. I couldn’t remember why we were on the riverbank in the storm or how we’d ended up in the river.

“I mean, we've become pretty good friends over the years. He was there when Matt got hurt trying to save me from that fan with the knife. Why did I call him?” I panicked that my memory had gone again like it did after I was shot.