Page 11 of Rogue God

“I think I asked for them in the middle of the night. That’s so sweet.”

“Isn’t it?” Addi wiggled her eyebrows at me. “I don’t want to see you out of this room today. Rest, watch films, sleep that headache off. Tell Matt he has the day off, too. He deserves it.”

“I will. Thanks, Addi. Did the boys behave last night?”

“Do the boys ever behave?”


“Then you have your answer. Your brothers will be the death of me.”

“But you’re okay? You don’t look okay.”

“Thanks! I’m okay. Now eat and rest. Call me if you need anything.”

Matt woke as I was halfway through the mountain of food he’d ordered.

“Thank you for this,” I said from behind my hand, swallowing down a mouthful of waffle.

“No problem,” he replied as he stretched his body upward, flexing his muscles and showing off his corded forearms. I remembered the image of him flashing through my mind as I came last night, and I couldn’t help but blush. Forcing myself to stop staring at him, I focused on the food in front of me.

“You want some? You ordered loads.”

“I didn’t know how hungry a hungry Frankie really gets.”

“It’s perfect. Please have some.” I handed him a plate.

“I thought you didn’t share food?”

“You saved me and looked after me all night. Sharing this mountain of food is the least I can do.”

“So, the way to get you to share is to order enough for two. Good to know.” He leaned across and helped himself to a waffle and some fruit, pouring syrup over them all before digging in.

“Addi told me to tell you to have the day off today. Apparently, babysitting me last night means you deserve it.”

“Oh, okay.” Matt’s body stiffened as he closed his eyes and titled his head to one side as if he was trying to free the tension from his neck.

“You don’t look very happy about that.”

His eyes opened as he shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t do well with too much downtime. I’m not used to it.”

“Well, we don’t have any band commitments today, so I’m not sure if there’s much for you to do. I’m planning on decamping to the sofa, building a blanket fort, and watching Marvel movies for the day if you’d like to join me.”

“Thanks, but you don’t—”

“Matt, you picked me up naked from the bathroom floor and sat up with me all night. I owe you.”

“What Marvel movie were you thinking?”

“Ironman, of course. It’s the best. Or Guardians of the Galaxy.”

He nodded. “Yeap, they are the best. Right, let me go shower and change and I’ll be back. Can I get you anything?”

“Maybe more coffee and some water. Oh, and painkillers.”

“Give me twenty minutes. Will you be okay while I’m gone?”

“I won’t move, injure myself or even try to go to the bathroom alone.”