Page 74 of Rogue God

Shock flooded Frankie’s face. “Is Emmy okay?”

“She’s fine. Shook up, but fine. In fact, everyone is fine but you. You came off the worst. You shouldn’t have put yourself in danger for me.”

Frankie reached forward slowly and pushed her fingers through Tanner’s hair, brushing it from his face. Her face softened as she smiled at him. “What did I tell you, big brother? No matter how hard you push or how far you run, I will always fight for you.”

“I love you, Frankie.”

“Don’t get soft on me, Tan. But I love you too.”

“Get some rest. I’ll come and visit you again later with Emmy.”

He pressed another kiss to her forehead and nodded in my direction before he left. I took my seat next to Frankie’s bed, noticing how exhausted the conversation with Tanner had left her as her eyes grew heavy.

“Go to sleep, Rogue.”

“Stay, Matt?”


Two weeks later, they removed Frankie’s catheter and all the monitors. The only thing left was the drip in her hand that pumped her with antibiotics and pain relief and the large dressings that covered the scar on her stomach.

Over the last few days, the doctors had explained more about her operation. They’d had to find the bullet’s trajectory as quickly as possible, so they’d cut open her stomach with a long incision, that stretched from between her breasts to her pelvic bone, and even had to remove her large intestine while they tried to save her life.

The doctors were happy with how her body was responding, even though she was still in so much pain, but it was hard to just stand by and watch.

Right now, she was asleep, curled up on her side, her face contorting every time she moved or breathed too deeply. Running my fingers over her jaw, I tried to soothe her, but instead, her eyes flew open and she cried out in fear.

“Hey, you’re safe. It’s just me.” Recognition flicked across her eyes before she closed them again and fell back under. Laying down on the bed next to hers, where I’d been every night since they wheeled it in for me, I wrapped her fingers through mine and the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest lulled me to sleep as well.

I didn’t know how long I was out before a quiet cough woke me.

“Matt, when was the last time you ate something or got some proper rest?” Dr. Vaughan asked, standing in the doorway.

Sitting up, I rubbed my hand over my exhausted face.

“I’m fine. Really.”

“Okay. If you’re sure. I have some good news that might help. Frankie can go home as long as she comes back in for her physiotherapy appointments so we can make sure her lung capacity improves and her stomach is healing properly. We’ll also need her to keep outpatient appointments so we can keep an eye on how her kidney is functioning on its own. She’s going to need lots of rest and there's a chance that all this trauma is going to catch up with her. If that happens, I want to know. We have some amazing people here who can help her.”

“Her memory, her speech? Will they improve?” Frankie was still missing huge chunks of the night she was shot. She couldn’t remember getting ready or going on stage. She didn’t remember that she’d texted me, wanting to talk, or that Emmy had run on stage and proposed to Tanner in front of the world after hearing the song they'd written for her. And she still forgot the most basic words a few times a day. None of us had mentioned it to her, but we were concerned and she was getting more and more frustrated.

“She’s been through a lot and she’s on some pretty intensive pain meds. Healing for her is going to be a slow process, and it’s why it’s so important she doesn’t try to rush things. Give it time, Matt. If it’s no better in a few months, then we might look at some other options, but for now, be patient. She’s lucky to be alive, and that’s what you all need to focus on. Now, do you want to wake her and give her the good news? I’ll go and sort her discharge papers and the medication she’ll need to take home with her. Is she going home-home or back to the hotel?”

“Hotel. Her parent’s house is too far away, and we didn’t want her traveling back and forth and it making her pain worse. The hotel is only ten minutes away, so Addi and the boys are all staying there with her.”

“Good idea. It also means if she has any problems, we’re on hand to help. I mean it, Matt, anything you’re worried about, you have my number. Please don’t be afraid to use it. Right, let me get that paperwork sorted.”

After he’d left, I texted Addi and Tanner to let them know the news before I turned my attention to Frankie. I packed up her things, making sure I’d searched the room for anything I might have missed. Once that was done, I kissed her lightly on the lips.

“Hey, sleeping beauty, can you open your eyes for me?”


“Rogue, time to wake up.”

Still nothing. I pushed my lips against hers with slightly more force, and she moaned softly.

“There you are. Time to go home.”