Page 29 of Rogue God

Reaching into the side table next to my bed, my fingers found the box I needed to touch. Opening it, I pulled out my wedding ring. I’d taken it off a year after Emma was killed, but I didn’t go anywhere without it. Slipping it onto my finger felt strange after all these years, but it tethered me to her and allowed memories of our life to flood my mind. Thinking back to the first time we met, I closed my eyes, letting it play out like a movie.

We’d been so young. I’d been so cocky. She’d been so God damn beautiful. I didn’t think I stood a chance, but she said yes to a date with me, and I’d fallen for her hard.Rubbing my hand across my chest to try to ease the pain, my phone beeped in my pocket. I slipped the ring off my finger, so I didn’t forget and leave it on there for everyone to see, before taking my phone out to check the message.

Rogue: Thanks for my gift. Sorry I’ve not had time to thank you until now. Bus life has been hectic.

Me: I hope your bus is more fun than mine.

Rogue: I was on the bus with Emmy and the boys. It was… eye opening.

Me: ???

Rogue: Emmy seems to be very good at getting us to spill our secrets.

Me: And what was yours?

Rogue: That I’ve been writing songs for years and have never shown anyone.

Me: Why?

Rogue: I wasn’t sure they’d really care. I mean, I’m just the drummer. They’re the real stars.

I rearranged my pillows and sat back against the wall, feeling the vibrations of the moving bus as I replied.

Me: Why do you put yourself down like that?

Rogue: I don’t know. I guess I’ve just been waiting this whole time for them to replace me with someone better.

Me: That’s bullshit.

Rogue: I’m starting to see that.

Me: So which ones were your fave?

Rogue: ???

Me: PJs?

Rogue: I can’t choose. I loved them all, but I’m wearing theHe-manones. Wanna see?

She didn't give me a chance to reply before she sent a photo of her wearing the pajamas. I stared at it, unable to tear my eyes away from her. Her hair was tied up in two buns, so she looked like a much sexier Princess Leia. She was make-up free, her brown eyes staring straight at the camera, while she bit down on her bottom lip. I wondered if she was pulling on the hem of her top as it was stretched tight, her nipples pressing against the thin gray material.

Watching her over the years had been hard. I’d tried not to remember the night in my room or pay much attention to how stunning she looked every day, but this photo was painful. My body ached for her, but the ring on my side table reminded me just how much loving someone hurt. Pushing my phone back into my pocket, I stood from the bed. I rearranged my cock that had thickened in my jeans before heading back to the commotion of the bus, hoping the distraction would erase the image of her from my mind.



“Yes, lots,” Emmy replied as we linked arms and started to walk through the streets of Paris.

One of the conditions of Emmy—the ghostwriter, writing our autobiography—being with us was that she wasn’t seen with us, so we were all sporting disguises, but the boys were lame with just caps and sunglasses. Emmy and I wore wigs and new outfits trying to blend in with the crowd, although her pink wig was making that harder than it should have been.

“Matt and his team are nearby, but don’t worry, you won’t notice them. They’re like ghosts,” Tanner explained to Emmy.

But I wanted to notice them. I wanted to see Matt, gaze into his green eyes, and listen to his commanding tone telling me what I brat I was. I even contemplated gettingaccidentallylost in the crowd, so he’d have to find me, but I’d probably end up with Rob or Neo coming to look for me.

I sighed. I’d not heard back from him since I sent him the photo of me in my PJs last night. I wondered if it was a bit much. If he’d noticed me biting my lip or how swollen my nipples were from thinking about him. Being in the UK with him was one thing—I knew how to keep my distance—but being in different countries, needing more protection than ever now that Tanner’s mum was on the scene blackmailing and stalking him; he felt so close all the time, and I didn’t know how to handle it.

Mav pulled Emmy away as they ran down the cobbled streets, laughing at how lost she was getting us, while Tanner and Gray wrapped their arms around me, pulling me close as we walked. Tanner had changed so much in the few short weeks he’d been sober and while I didn’t forgive him for what he’d done to Jimmy, it was hard to stay mad at him when it felt like we were getting our brother back. Placing a kiss on my temple, he squeezed me tightly.