Page 123 of Rogue God

I wandered around the house, taking it all in, my eyes mainly soaking in that view. I dreamed of having a cocktail while sitting in the secret tree balcony, but my drinking days were over now I only had one kidney, so I settled with a fizzy water over ice with lots of lime.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed when my phone beeped in my jeans pocket as I basked in the silence of this beautiful space.

Matt: I’ve booked a table for somewhere you’re going to love. Be ready in two hours. I’m sending a car for you. Eli is coming with you.

Me: Getting ready now.

Matt: No, you’re not. You’re in the trees staring at the view.

Me: Are you spying on me?

Matt: No, I just know you too well. Get ready. Please. Remember. Wardrobe.

Me: Always so bossy.

Matt: I know. Are you wet?

Me: You’ll have to find out later.

Matt: You’re making me hard and I’m meant to be a scary security boss right now.

Me: See you soon xx

I sighed, taking in the view one last time, glad that we had two weeks to enjoy this place, before heading back down to get ready.

After taking a long, hot bath, I dried and curled my hair. Excitedly, I opened the wardrobe expecting to see some jeans and a t-shirt. Instead, I found a stunning white jumpsuit that I realized was identical to the red one I’d worn all those months ago to piss Matt off.

Next to where it hung was a dark blue bag and when I looked inside I found a white strapless bra and matching thong. Pulling them from the bag, I couldn’t help laughing as I saw the string of the thong was made of tiny pearls. I shuddered at the thought of them rubbing against me during dinner. Slipping them on I typed Matt a quick message.

Me: You’re a bad man.

He didn’t reply so I guessed he was working. I got dressed, moaning loudly as I moved to the vanity table to put some make up on, the pearls already working their magic. Putting on some black eyeliner and deep red lipstick, I smiled down at my engagement ring, thinking about how lucky I was to be with this man who looked after me so well and just like magic, my phone buzzed with a message from him.

Matt: Eli is waiting with the car outside. There was something else in the bag I left in the wardrobe. Bring it with you. And pick up the purse I’ve left you by the front door. You might need it. No looking inside it though. Promise me.

Me: ????????

Matt: Rogue. Promise me.

Me: Fine. Promise.

Matt: It will take you about 30 minutes to get out of the hills down to where we’re having dinner. Eli has some instructions for you along the way. Pay attention.

Me: Yes, sir.

Matt: Good girl.

Me: Are you trying to make me come before I even see you?

Me: Are you ignoring me now?

Me: Matt!

Matt: Get in the car. We can’t be late.

“Eli, where are we going?”

“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise. But I do have a request. Did you find something in a bag in your room?”