Page 51 of Cosmic God

“Hot. But I think I might break up with her.”

“Why?” Gray looked surprised.

“I want more. I want someone who listens and asks questions and can be as happy with the fame as they are with the normal man who wants to watch the football and drink beer. I want someone like Emmy.”

My body tensed and my fists curled at my sides as I forced myself to breathe.

“I mean, you have to admit, she’s pretty perfect. Like a friend, but sexy as fuck. Having her around made me realize I want more. I want love. Don’t you agree, Tan?”

I grunted.

“Tanner? Are you alive? Don’t you agree? She’s hot as hell. She’s the ultimate goal. I know you and her are a thing, but you’re never serious about women, are you?”

My breathing hitched as I struggled to contain my rage.

“I mean, who knows what will happen over the next six months? She could fall for any of us, right, Gray?”

Suddenly, it was too hot. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t listen to this. Pushing myself from the bench, I desperately tried to remember where the door was, my breathing shallowed with each inhale.

A hand grabbed my arm, and then the laughter started. “Breathe, dude, I’m joking. I just wanted to see how serious you are about her and now I see it, I won’t mess about again. I’ve never seen you like this with anyone. It’s nice to know you’ve got some emotions in there. Not drinking definitely suits you. Don’t you agree, Gray?”

Glaring at them all, despite the fact they couldn’t see me through the steam, I let out a huff. “Fucking funny, boys. I told you I was serious about her. Wasn’t that enough? I think she’s it for me.”

Jolted from our conversation, the door slammed, followed by silence.

“Gray must have had too much heat for the night,” Mav concluded. “I’m happy for you, man. For both of you. She’s pretty amazing and you deserve some real happiness.” As the steam began to clear, I could see a genuine look of happiness for me on Mav’s face, and I couldn’t help but grin back.

“Right, I’m off to bed. I will see you the day after tomorrow. Have a great birthday, Tan,” Addi declared.

“Yeah, bro, have a great birthday. Message me if you want to do something,” Mav chimed in.

Frankie hugged me briefly before climbing out of the pool and pulling on her robe. “Night, old man. Happy Birthday.”

Gray had left after he walked out of the sauna and the rest of us had moved between the hot tub and the pool for the rest of the night. It was now just after midnight. Officially my birthday.

“It’s your birthday?” I heard from behind me.Fuck, I should have paid them all to keep quiet.

“It is, but I hate birthdays, so I don’t want to do anything. This lot all know that, so don’t feel bad that I don’t want a cake and a fuss.”

She stared, giving me a look I knew I wasn’t going to like.

“How old, rock star?”


Out of nowhere, her hands were on my waist as she swam up behind me. Leaning her body into mine, I sighed as she pressed against me.

“I haven’t got you a present.”

“It’s fine. Birthdays suck. They’re a reminder of a time when Mum didn’t even care enough to hang around.”

“Well, maybe it’s time to change how you think about them. What if you spend this one with someone who thought the world of you?” Her lips found my neck and she ran open-mouthed kisses down across my shoulder.

“God. That feels good,” I husked out, loving the feel of her against my skin. “Can we just forget about it, Em, please? I want to spend the day with you. But forget it’s my birthday. Not even your beautiful mouth can make me change my mind.”

“That’s a shame because, as one of my gifts, I was going to tell you about my screaming dream.”

Still behind me, she held me tighter, and I realized she wasn’t wearing a top anymore, her exposed breasts pressing into my back.