Page 49 of Cosmic God

“Not a chance, Em. You’re wearing it.”

I heard that commanding tone in his voice, and I knew there was no point in arguing.

“Thank you.”

He ran his fingers over my hip, his warm breath on my neck again. “You look beautiful in my clothes, Em. And even better out of them. Stay with me tonight?”

Eyes fixed on him, I nodded and watched as he bit down on his bottom lip. Wetness flooded my panties unexpectedly and my chest fluttered with excitement. I tried to pretend it was the cold having this effect on my body and not because the lead singer of one of the world’s biggest rock bands was inviting me into his bed tonight.

About an hour after we’d checked into the hotel and had been shown to the penthouse floor the band had reserved, each with our own room, there was a knock on my the door. I opened it to find Fi standing there with a rail of clothes and her kit bag.

“Emmy, Addi asked me to come and sort you a new look for tonight. Plus, these are a gift.”

“From Addi?”

“No, Tanner.”

“Tanner bought me clothes?”

“He did. There’s a note.”

She handed me an envelope, which I opened, as I invited her in.

As much as I like seeing you in my clothes, you’re going to freeze, so these are a gift and I look forward to stripping them off you later. Tanner x

I pulled the note to my chest and tried to hide the embarrassment from my face. Fi looked around the room for somewhere to set up. “Pick what you want to wear and then we can work out what image to give you tonight. I do love making you over.”

An hour later, I waited for the band by the penthouse elevator, my hair plaited into two long French plaits, hanging out of the bottom of a black beanie hat. Fi had painted my lips bright pink, and I wore my glasses because she thought they finished the look despite me only needing them for reading. I had a thick scarf wrapped around my neck that I could hide behind if we saw any photographers, a fleece-lined jacket, thermal leggings, and fur-lined boots.

A hand slid into mine and lips kissed me beneath my ear, causing me to moan softly.

“I think I found your secret spot, angel,” he murmured before he nipped the same spot with his teeth. “You look stunning, by the way.”

“The clothes are stunning. You shouldn’t have, but thank you. I didn’t realize how cold it would be.”

“My pleasure. Now, shall we go see what Addi has organized for our next adventure?”

“Oh my God. This is amazing,” I squealed, holding onto the safety bar in front of me as the dogs tore through the snow. Sitting in a sled with Tanner pressed against my side, Mav, Frankie, Addi, and Gray traveling behind us as we trailed through the dark night to our destination.

The sky was littered with endless amounts of stars and the only noise anyone could hear were our screams of excitement and the swish of the sled over the compacted snow. The dogs pulled us through the trees to an opening and I gasped as I saw what was there.

A large fire, surrounded by chairs and a couple of staff waiting to help us from our ride. As we stepped off, we were handed huge mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream, then they led us to the fire. Addi sat down with a smile and winked, nodding her head to the side. When we followed the direction of her eyes, we all grinned, seeing the snowmobiles lined up.

“Hell yes,” Mav shouted, downing his hot chocolate before running over to them and sitting on one.

“Don’t speed, don’t die, don’t break any part of yourself or anyone else. You have a three-mile radius cleared to ride, but don’t go outside that, or else I will hurt you myself. We have drivers for anyone who doesn’t want to drive themselves.” She looked at me as she said this and I smiled in a silentthank you.

“Go have some fun, guys.”

“You not coming, Addi?”

“Nope, I need to be in one piece for you all. Go, enjoy.”

“Addi, get on the back of a bike and let someone drive you around for a bit. Please,” Frankie begged.

“Fine. For ten minutes. I have always wanted to try one of these things.”

Tanner grabbed my hand, trying to pull me onto the back of the snowmobile behind him.