Page 23 of Cosmic God

I closed the lid on Shelly’s enclosure and found my phone, clicking on Quinn’s number. It took four or five rings before she answered.

“Shit, Em. Is everything okay?” she asked sleepily.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

“Because it’s 5.45 am on a Saturday morning, so either someone died or you’re in trouble. Which is it?”

“Can you foster Shelly for six months for me and arrange for my apartment to be packed up and put in storage? I’m going on tour.”

I heard screaming. “Oh, my God, Emmy, yes, yes, yes. You’re going? You’re really going on tour with one of the biggest rock groups in the world. For six months?” I tried to swallow down my nerves as she said it out loud, making it suddenly feel very real.

“I’m so excited. So happy for you. I can’t tell you how much you need this. You need to remember who you are. Stop hiding. Stop thinking the world is out to hurt you because when you focus on something, the universe likes to give you more of it… as you’ve noticed over the last few days. Focus on what you want more of and attract that. Gah, I’m so excited and a bit jealous. You know Tanner is totally going to fall for you and be your sex slave, don’t you?”

I shuddered, telling myself it was excitement about this new adventure, but I couldn’t help but wonder if it was really from the thought of a naked Tanner having sex with me. “Stop right there,” I cried at Quinn, but I was also telling the wayward thoughts in my head to pack it in as well. “I’m going to do a job. That’s it. There will be no sex slaves, no makeovers, no changing who I am. But you’re right. This is something I need. I need to shake up my life. I deserve some excitement and to see the world, even if it is from a tour bus. I’m only twenty-four. Mum would hate who I’ve become. God,Ihate who I’ve become.” I sighed loudly at my admission. My life really had become miserable and I was ready for more. Thank you for recommending me for the job and for taking care of Shelly while I’m gone.”

“The little fucker better not bite me again or else he can live in the garden with the snails.”

I laughed. “Awe, it was a love bite. You know you’re his favorite auntie.”

“A tortoise auntie. I’m so proud. I want postcards and updates from every country. And pack some shit that doesn’t make you look like a nun. I know you have stuff in your closet from before that twat at the party broke you. Pack it, wear it. Stop hiding who you are because men are dicks. They will be dicks if you’re wearing awful clothes or not. You shouldn’t have to hide who you are because they can’t control themselves, Em.” I loved my best friend more than anyone in the world, but her brutal honesty was hard to hear, even though I knew she was absolutely right.

“Think of this as a start of a new story for you. Leave all the shit, all the hurt, all that pain, leave it here for me, and I’ll box it up and get rid of it for you. Now, go get out of here. When are you leaving?”

“As soon as I repack my case as apparently I’ve packed all my ‘nun’ clothes.”

Quinn giggled and promised to come and get Shelly later today at a more reasonable hour before we hung up the call.

I headed to the front door of the apartment and opened it, finding Matt still standing there, as Tanner promised.

“Morning, Matt. Do you ever sleep?”

“Not much, miss.”

“Do you want a coffee?”

“No, I’m all good. Can I help you with something?”

“Can you take me to the hotel before the band leaves? But keep it to yourself. I want it to be a surprise.”

“Of course, Miss Winters. I know they have some press after lunch, so we probably want to leave in the next hour. I can arrange a car to meet us out front. And don’t worry, it will be our little secret. They will be happy you’re rejoining them.”

“Thanks, Matt, and call me Emmy, please. Miss Winters makes me sound weird.”

“Emmy. Leave it with me and let me sort everything.”

I headed back inside to pick through the clothes I had in my suitcase. I wasn’t ready to ditch them yet. I felt vulnerable enough as it was, leaving my life and stepping into theirs for six months, but I could pack some other things as well. I searched to the back of the wardrobe to find all my old clothes piled up there. Sweaters that fit in bright colors that suited me, leggings, shoes with heels, fitted t-shirts. Things I used to love to wear, that Mum had bought me, that made me feel pretty. As I looked at them all, I realized how far into my hole I’d fallen and how much of myself I’d given away because of what happened to me. And for what? That crew guy still tried to attack me. Tanner still kissed me. Maybe my defensive walls weren’t really keeping me safe, they were just putting a wall up between me and people I’d really like to get to know better… like the Cosmic Gods.

An hour later, there was a knock on the door, and Matt called my name. I blew Shelly a kiss and laughed as I saw his angry eyes glaring at me for my abandonment of him. “Love you too, Shelly. Be good and I promise, I’ll write and FaceTime.”

I opened the door and Matt stared, confused.

“I’m talking to my tortoise. He’s a needy bugger.”

Matt laughed, shaking his head, taking my two cases and hand luggage from me, carrying them out to the waiting car. He opened the back door, ushering me inside before he took the passenger seat in the front.

“Ready, Emmy?”

“Let’s do this.”