Page 17 of Cosmic God

“Nope. Never. My brothers have this connection where they don’t have to speak to know what the other is thinking. A twin thing, I know, but I guess… I hoped they’d see the fear and worry written on my face and make me feel better, but they’ve not noticed it or at least, they’ve not spoken to me about it.”

“And you mentioned Tanner lived with you.”

“He did. For years. I mean, he still does when we find the time to go home. But, I think that’s his story to tell, so I’ll leave that up to him. I love my brothers, Emmy. I love how fiery Maverick is. Quick to protect, quick to fall in love, and out of it, quick to anger. How he seems to live life to the max, constantly. I love how Gray is the polar opposite. Quiet, reserved, thoughtful, considerate. I love that they seem to balance each other out, but I always felt like they only needed each other and I was just this awkward addition that they had to squeeze in somehow. I wanted the band to fix some of that, and I guess it has, but I still feel like the odd one out.”

“But how does Tanner fit in? Surely he’s outside the twin’s relationship as well?”

“Ah, Tanner is something else entirely. He moves in his own orbit. We get annoyed with him because he’s so self-obsessed, but he’s the thing fans gravitate towards. Him and the twins seem to create a way to co-exist so they all get equal time in the sun… me, not so much. I don’t shine with the same intensity as the three of them.”

She dropped her eyes for a moment, before meeting my gaze again in the mirror. Her face smiled, but her eyes said something else. I opened my mouth to ask her more, but she interrupted me. “Enough about me. Tell me something about you, Emmy. Where are you from?”

“Northumberland. Near the beach. I moved to London about four years ago.”

“For work?”

“For a change. My mum died. Heart attack. It was just me and her. I decided that city life would help me cope with her loss.”

“And did it?”

“No. It just gave me a fresh set of problems to distract me from the pain of missing her.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Emmy.” Frankie stood, letting her royal blue, short, silk robe slip from her body, revealing her black, lacy underwear, totally unfazed that there were other people in the room as she changed, obviously having done it hundreds of times before. Her make-up artist helped her pull a black sparkly top over her head without spoiling her hair or makeup and then she shimmied her way into some skin-tight leather leggings and 6-inch, open-toed black heels with an ankle strap that the makeup artist bent to fasten for her. Heavy makeup, a body to die for, brown eyes that sparkled in the bright lights of the mirror, and black hair now set in loose curls, framing her face perfectly. She looked every inch the rock star she was, and I wished for one second she could see herself the way I did. Not the sister left circling the others, unable to find a way in, but as a central component of their Cosmic God supernova. Lighting the way just as brightly as Tanner and her brothers.

“You look amazing, Frankie. Like the rock star you are. I’d never have the confidence to dress like that.”

“You look perfect, Emmy. Although you could do with something to cover those bruises if you’re going to come and watch the gig.”

“I’m not supposed to be seen with you guys. Addison was pretty clear about that.”

“She meant out and about. Not backstage. I want you there. I want you to come and watch the gig now that you’re part of the family. Please. Just let Fi here work her magic on your bruises so you don’t frighten any backstage guests.”

“I’m not used to wearing makeup. I’ve always preferred to go under the radar, but you’re right, my face is a mess,” I replied, running my fingers over my swollen, painful bruises.

She motioned to the chair she’d just stood from and I moved to sit. Gently lifting my hair from where it hung lank and heavy around my face, she pulled it up into a high ponytail. “If I had your features, Emmy, I would show them off to the world, not hide them away. Makeup or not, there is no way you could ever fly under the radar.”

“I seem to attract a type, Frankie. Hiding keeps me safe. Well, it did until yesterday.”

“You have Matt now. He won’t let anything happen to you. How about Fi sorts your face and we tie your hair up? It’s going to get hot and sweaty backstage.”

I smiled, offering her a slight nod, wondering what the hell I was getting myself into.

Thirty minutes later and I didn’t recognize the woman looking back at me in the mirror. Fi worked her magic and covered my swollen, bruised face and while the makeup was subtle, it was enough that she’d highlighted the bits of me I didn’t mind and masked the parts I hated. I looked younger, happier, and prettier than I’d ever looked before. The hairdresser straightened my hair and tied it up in a high ponytail that hung down my back, shimmering every time I moved.

“Frankie?” Addison shouted as she opened the door to her suite without knocking. “Are you ready? Have you seen Em—? Wow! Emmy? You look amazing. You look like a superstar yourself. Are you sorting your outfit as well? We don’t have much time.”

I stared down, pulling on my shapeless shirt that was two sizes too big, in a color I knew didn’t suit me, that hung over my pleated black skirt, which finished just below my knees. At least today I’d avoided the thick tights, as I’d not been able to face them after what happened last night, but I still had on my sensible flats.

“Her outfit is fine, Addi,” Frankie fired back before I could say a word, glaring at her manager.

“Of course it is. I just thought, if you were having a rock chick makeover, we could go the whole hog.”

Suddenly, I felt ridiculous. As if I was trying to play dress up. “This was a mistake. I should go take this off. I don’t think I should come to the gig tonight.”

Frankie grabbed my hand. “Come, Emmy. Please. I want you to come and watch. I poured my heart out to you today. Now, come and see where I usually pour all my emotions when you’re not around asking awkward questions.”

“This just isn’t me. I don’t want to look stupid,” I sighed out, taking another look at myself in the mirror.

“You look beautiful. Just like you have the whole time you’ve been here. Come on. Come watch us do our thing.”