Page 100 of Cosmic God

This time, it was my turn to groan.

“Angel.” Again, not knowing if my words were a question or a statement.

I brought my hands to her hips, pulling her back onto my erection. The added pressure made my balls ache with need. She shifted and her shirt slipped from her front, exposing her breasts. My cock throbbed in appreciation and she ground into me in a silent reply.

As I danced my fingers over her stomach, her breath hitched. Wrapping one arm around her waist, holding her tight, I cupped her breast with the other one, letting the weight of it settle in my hand, pinching her pebbled nipple. Her hands moved back, finding the nape of my neck, burying her fingers in my hair.

I rubbed my scruff over her neck and let my head fall to her shoulder as she began to rock over my cock with the smallest movements, creating an inferno of need in my body.

Neither of us said a word as if we were afraid to break the spell we’d fallen under. The only noise was our quickening breaths as we rubbed together like horny teenagers. I was just thinking about slipping my hand under her shorts and burying my fingers inside her when there was a loud bang on the door.

“Emmy, the film is ready, and it hasthe Rockin it, so I know it will cheer you up.”

She coughed as if Frankie had ripped her from the moment we were having. Pulling her t-shirt back over her head, she audibly took a breath before she turned to look at me. I waited for her regret.

“I’ve missed you touching me, Tan. In fact, I’ve missed everything about you. Stay with me tonight? I don’t know what that means or what I’m ready to offer you, but I really want to feel you wrapped around me and wake up with you. Is that okay? I don’t want to lead you on, but…”

My heart swelled at her words. Running my knuckles across her jaw, I sighed. “I will take whatever you’re offering, angel. Now, let’s go watch a film because they have missed you as much as I have.” I laid a kiss on her temple and took her hand in mine. We settled on the sofa and I draped my arm around her shoulder and the six of us watched films until the early hours piled together, gravitating toward her.

By the time the last film ended, Emmy was fast asleep in my arms, so I carried her to bed, nestling her in my arms, falling into the best sleep I’d had in months. I woke up to Addi banging on her door, telling her the police were here to see her.

“Okay, let me wake her up. Give me five.”

“Tanner, what the hell?” Addi hissed through the suite door.

“What? She asked me to stay with her. Check with her. I’ve been the perfect gentleman,” I replied.

“Wake her up, Tanner, and let’s see what the police have to say. Also, Thomas is on his way. He should be here tonight.”

I twisted on the bed to wake her up, but I found myself unable to stop staring at her sleeping form. She was stunning. There had always been something about her since I found her beaten and bruised outside that first gig, but she’d grown, softened, found herself, and it was the sexiest thing to see. Without thinking about it, drawn to her like a magnet, I laid a soft kiss on her lips, and she murmured sleepily. When her eyes didn’t pop open in anger at my mouth on hers, I pressed harder with the second kiss and her arm stretched around my neck. As I edged my tongue against the seam of her lips, she opened, her tongue searching for mine. When they touched, the heat of her spread into me and I growled. That was when her eyes popped open, and I felt her smile against my mouth, our kiss deepening and our breathing growing ragged. Her hand found my torso, where she ran her fingers over my abs, and my cock throbbed for more of her.

“Tanner, get out here. There are police officers waiting for Emmy, and I’m sure they have better things to do than wait for your slow-moving rock star ass.”

“Police?” Emmy asked, her eyes wide with fear.

“Apparently. Come on, angel, I’ve got you. Let’s go talk to them. Remember, you’re safe here.”

We padded down the hall to the lounge area where two detectives were waiting along with Matt, Addi, Rylee, and the rest of the band.

“Miss Winters, can you think of anyone that would want to trash your apartment? It doesn’t look like anything was taken, but everything was damaged or destroyed in some way. That feels personal.”

Twisting her hands together, she looked terrified. “No. No one. I’ve only lived there a few months and only my friend Quinn and Thomas knew my address.”

“Okay, we’ll need their information. The red substance on your bed was paint, but we did find something else. We found semen on the sheets. Had you—”

“No. Oh my God, no. Tanner, I haven’t had anyone—”

I pulled her to me, skimming my hand up and down her back, calming her panic. She had nothing to explain to me. It had been months since we’d been together and she owed me nothing, but I couldn’t lie and say I wasn’t happy about her admission.Had she waited for me, despite everything?“Detective, can you find out whose it was?” I asked.

“We’re running tests and we will keep you informed.”

Matt stepped forward. “What are we looking at? A stalker? A fucked up fan? You must have some ideas?”

“If we had to guess, from the damage to Miss Winter’s belongings and the photos in the bedroom, we would say it’s a fan of the band, but it could equally be a stalker. We would advise you to be really careful, Miss Winters, and let us know if something else happens.”

“We’ve got her, detective,” Matt reassured them with a nod as he steered the two detectives from the penthouse.

“I’m so sorry, Emmy. Did being with us cause all this?” Gray asked, wide-eyed.