Page 99 of Cosmic God

I looked around at them all, grateful that they were here with me. In fact, grateful they were hereforme, despite how I’d left them in LA. “Can we do both?”

Addi laughed. “Of course. Now let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll find you something to wear.” I reluctantly let go of Tanner’s hand, trying to ignore the look of sadness in his eyes as I stepped away from him and followed Addi to get changed.


Ithadbeenmonthssince I was drugged and assaulted and I tried not to think about it, but I knew how fucked up it was. I sometimes wondered if I deserved it because of my lifestyle, but that was like Emmy blaming herself for what happened to her at that party because of what she wore. However, as I stood in her apartment, looking at the state of her bedroom, my blood boiled for the both of us. I wasn’t putting up with any of this anymore. I wouldn’t see her live her life in fear and I wouldn’t put her in danger. We had to work out who this was because I knew this was all the same person.

While Emmy was in the shower, Addi texted me and asked me to bring her something of mine to wear, so seeing her now standing in front of me shouldn’t have caused such a visceral reaction as it did. She had on a pair of my shorts that she’d folded so they fit on her curvy hips and one of my black tight t-shirts that was too big but clung to her bare breasts. Her freshly washed silver-blond hair dripped onto the t-shirt and as she stared at me from across the room, I swore I could see her nipples hardening under the thin material of her top.

“Food is on its way,” Addi announced. “I’m going to get changed for our PJ party. Anyone else? Meet back here in fifteen?”

They all leaped up and made their way to their own suites, and Matt moved off to make some calls.

“You can’t sit there all night like that, angel. Come with me.” She stared, wide-eyed, with those blue eyes I’d missed so much. Slipping my fingers through hers, I led her to her bedroom.

“Sit.” I pointed to the bed.

“Tanner, I don’t want—”

“Trust me, Em. Please.”

She sat, and I moved to the bathroom to grab a towel. When I walked back in, she smiled and everything else in the world fell away.

I perched behind her, pulling her hips back towards me. Taking the towel, I started to gently dry off her hair. “Can’t have you dripping all over the sofa all night, angel.”

We stayed like that for a while. Me drying her hair with the towel, silence hanging between us.

“I think it’s dry enough, Tanner,” she sighed out.

I leaned in closer and let my warm breath settle on her neck, noticing how her breathing changed and her body quivered.

I took the brush in my hand, running it through her hair, and we both groaned. I wasn’t sure I’d ever done anything as intimate with a woman.

I kept brushing, as her eyes closed and her lips parted and I couldn’t help but smile as her body started to relax from my touch.

“I miss your long hair, although I love this color.”

“I got tired of being me. This was me trying a makeover. At least my hair can grow back, so it was probably a better idea than the nose ring I wanted.” She laughed.

I laid the brush on the bed and I buried my fingers in her hair, raking them across her scalp, moving them down her neck to her shoulders, where I started massaging over the top of her t-shirt. I worked my fingers into her knotted muscles, hearing her exhale.

“Em, you’re like a bag of knots. How much stress are you carrying around in there? Tomorrow I am getting you a professional massage and some time in the spa.”

“Hhhhmmmmmm, I would argue, but this feels so good.”

Feeling bold, I pulled the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it up over her head, so her breasts were still covered, but her back was exposed to me. I waited for her to tell me to stop, but she didn’t make a sound, as if she was holding her breath.

I ran my fingers up along her spine and moved back to rubbing her shoulders. She moaned again and my cock sprang to life behind her.

Her pale skin glowed in the low light of the room and I couldn’t help but lay a kiss just behind her ear.

“Tan,” she said on an exhale, and I wasn’t sure if it was a statement or a question.

I did it again, causing her to arch her body.

I ran my tongue from her ear, down the curve of her neck to her shoulder.

Her body stiffened and again, I expected to hear her telling me to stop what I was doing. Instead, she shuffled herself back onto my lap, my swollen cock nestling against her warmth.