Page 60 of Cosmic God

“No, she asked that you meet her down there. She won’t be long.”

I nodded, removing my hand and letting the doors close. The elevator took us down to a private dining room where the twins, Frankie, and Addi, were waiting for me, sitting around a large circular table. Addi glanced up at me before laughing loudly. “I don’t think that was quite the look the lovely Emmy had in mind when she ordered you that suit, Tanner.”

“What?” I peered down. I was wearing the tux as instructed. I had the trousers and the suit jacket on. I’d even worn the formal, stuffy shirt. However, I’d rock-starred it up to the max. The shirt was unbuttoned, leaving my bare chest exposed, tattoos on show. The bowtie hung unfastened around my neck, and I’d gone barefoot, as none of my boots worked with the suit. I wore black and silver rings on three of my fingers that balanced beautifully with the dark tattoos on the backs of my hands. Back eyeliner lined the underneath of my eyes and my hair was tussled to perfection. I looked like someone who had been on a heavy night out and I loved it.

I bowed as they all clapped and cheered before I took a seat at the table. Just as I sat, the door opened and Frankie screamed. I twisted in my seat to find Emmy in the doorway looking like a goddess. Wearing a floor-length black gown, with a halter neck and a low-cut front that gave me a delicious, teasing glimpse of her cleavage. The skirt of the dress was full and skimmed the floor as she walked. Loose curls hung over her shoulders, and her makeup was light except for her ruby red lips. Silver bracelets adorned her wrists, and I noticed a crown sitting on her head, sparkling in the low lights. She smiled at me and then at each person in the room before taking a seat at one end of the table. Before I could say anything about how beautiful she looked, she nodded at the staff waiting at the edge of the room who approached, giving us each an envelope.

I opened mine and flicked through what was inside. A name card.Christos McMoney-Bags, instructions about Christos’ character, and some information I had to divulge to the group. Then it hit me.A murder mystery dinner party.I looked over at Emmy, rolling my eyes before grinning at her. Placing herQueen Cold Heartname card on the table, everyone else did the same. Gray wasDr. Swoon-worthy, Addi wasMs. Bunny Boiler, Frankie wasLady Smiles-a-lotand Mav wasCaptain Cad.

Two hours later, we’d eaten three courses of the best food and uncovered that Mav was the killer. I’d never laughed so much watching them all play out their characters. I didn’t even mind when the waiter brought out an enormous chocolate cake covered in raspberries and strawberries and they all sang Happy Birthday. As I blew out my candles, Frankie handed me her phone, and Lori and Phil were there, smiling, wearing party hats, waving at me from her screen.

“Happy Birthday, sweet boy. We know you hate today, but we couldn’t let it pass without talking to you.”

“Thank you both. Actually, I’ve had the best day. Really, it’s been great.” I glanced over at Emmy, knowing that mybest daywas all because of her.

“Wow,” Phil replied. “It’s good to hear, kid. You look good. Really good. We love you and we’re so proud of what you’re doing.”

I swallowed down the emotion bubbling up in my throat. “Stop being nice to me. I’ll end up crying like a baby. I wish you were both here.”

“Us too. We love you, little one. No matter how old you get.”

“Love you too,” I countered, meaning every word. These two people loved me unconditionally, even if I believed I was unlovable.

“Yeah, we all love you both,” Mav shouted.

“I’ll call you both soon and we will sort out a visit. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect, Tanner. We’ll look forward to it.”

I hung up the phone and placed it on the table, before looking around at my family, the people that loved me, even when I was being a drunk, off my face dick.

“Thank you all for tonight. It’s been the best. I know I’ve been a twat for a really long time, but I hope you see the change in me. What you all did for me… forcing me to get sober, was everything I needed. It’s not been easy, but you guys doing it with me has made it manageable. It’s because of you all that I’m here, seeing another birthday, and I won’t ever forget that. Now, shall we put on some music and burn up the dance floor?”

“Hell, yeah,” shouted Addi, pulling me from my chair and wrapping her arms around my waist. “I love you, you annoying, infuriating dick. I’m so glad you found a way back to us.”

Music blared through the speakers, and we all moved to stand, creating a makeshift dancefloor. I danced with the twins and then Frankie, who all hugged me, wishing me a Happy Birthday and for once I didn’t mind in the slightest about celebrating. Then I stood before her.Emmy.

“You look like a goddess, Em. That dress…” I whispered, running my finger down her naked back, listening as her breathing shifted from my proximity.

“Well, I had to dress like my character, and how often do you get to wear a crown and be a queen?” she murmured, closing her eyes and leaning back into my touch.

“Every day. You can be a queen every day if that’s what makes you happy, Em. I want to give you the world.”

Her eyes sprung open. “Smooth, rock star. Don’t think you can sweet talk me and get my panties off me.”

“Really? That’s sad to hear. Can I ask why?”

She leaned in close and ran her tongue over the shell of my ear before she whispered, “Because I’m not wearing any.”

I groaned, pulling her closer to me to hide my very obvious erection. “You’re killing me, Em.”

“You wanna leave? I think you’ve celebrated your birthday to the max. I bet you’re exhausted and ready for bed.” She ghosted her hand over the outline of my cock, before licking her lips.

“I am ready for bed, but I don’t want to sleep,” I growled into her ear.

“Guys, we’re going to go. It’s been a long day, and Tanner’s an old man now, so he needs a nap.”

Laughter and cheers filled the space as we left, my hand wrapped firmly in Emmy’s, worried this was all a dream of a scared boy that would fade away with the morning sun. As if she could read my thoughts, she turned as we stepped into the elevator with Matt. “Hey. Tan, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”