Page 106 of Cosmic God

“I know. I overreacted. It’s a bad habit I’m trying to break. I came out of retirement for this job, so my people skills might be a little rusty,” Thomas admitted, running his hand through his dark hair.

“Are you sure you ever had any people skills, Thomas? You don’t strike me as a person who ever asks nicely or asks twice.”

“I’m not admitting anything. But I am sorry for blaming you, without listening to your side first. If it makes you feel better, my wife is furious with me, as is Emmy.”

I nodded, glad that she had him to protect her, no matter how much his allegations hurt.

“Any more news?” I asked him.

“Nothing. I have someone interviewing your mum today. Maybe she will tell us something that will help.”

“I doubt it.” My voice was laced with hatred, but then I felt Emmy’s hand in mine, distracting me from the rage that woman stirred up in me.

“What about the gig tomorrow? Is the band safe to play? Am I safe to go?” Emmy asked.

“We can’t cancel. It’s for charity. They would lose hundreds of thousands of pounds in donations if we did,” Frankie called out from the balcony she was sitting out on.

“We’re not canceling anything, Frankie, but there are some new rules.” Thomas offered with a small smile. “You will not go anywhere without the security I assign you. You will not accept food or drinks from anyone but your inner circle or your security detail. You will not let anyone I haven’t vetted backstage and you will leave the gig immediately after your set. Understood?” We all nodded because Thomas had that expression on his face we’d all learned you couldn’t argue with.

“And Emmy?”

“Will be with Matt and me, along with Addi. I will keep you all safe. You have my word.”


“Tan,Emmy,Ineedyou to get up. I need you to see this.”

“For fuck’s sake, Addi. What now? I hope this is good news,” Tanner groaned out, burying his head under his arm as Addi’s voice dragged us both from sleep.

“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” Addi grumbled from the other side of the door.

“Come on, angel. Let’s go see what fresh hell has happened now.” Wrapping his hand firmly in mine, we headed out to find Addi.

Addi was still in her sleepwear, make-up free, looking exhausted and broken. Tears filled her eyes as she laid out this morning’s newspapers on the table, before slumping into a chair nearby. “I’m so sorry, Tan. I don’t know how this happened. I don’t understand how anyone got this. It’s so personal. It’s so much. It’s my job to protect you and I failed. I’m sorry. This is me handing in my notice. I can’t do this. I’m not doing a good job.”

“What the hell has happened, Addison? What’s so bad that you’re going to quit?” Tanner questioned, peering over the papers spread out in front of us.

Without my reading glasses, the words were blurry, but I could see the headlines, and what I read made my blood boil as they were all based on Tanner’s conversations with Levi. Levi’s name and face appeared in each story, claiming that he’d given them the story himself. There were quotes, apparently from their sessions, and Levi’s conclusion that Tanner was broken and so damaged he would never be able to remain sober.

Tanner released his grip on my hand and turned, punching the wall nearest to him, making Addi cry out.

“Tan, I’m sorry. I had him vetted. I did everything right. I don’t understand how this happened.”

Tanner slid into the chair next to Addi, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes.

“Is he right? Am I too broken? Is this all a temporary fix and I’m going to fuck up again?” The fear written across his face was clear for us all to see.

I crouched down and placed my hands on his firm thighs. “Tanner, look at me, please. It’s not true. None of it. You’re working through your demons. Look how far you’ve come. How much you’ve changed. You’re a good man. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in you. We all believe in you.”

He lifted his head, opening his fear-filled eyes, cupping my cheek with his hand. “It’s a news story, Tanner. A badly written one at that,” I offered. He smiled, but it looked forced.

As Tanner opened his mouth to speak, there was a quiet knock on the penthouse door and Matt checked who it was before he opened it fully. In walked Rylee looking terrified with her phone outstretched in her hand.

“Addison, Tanner. I have Levi on the phone. He had my number from when I first booked Tanner’s sessions. He wants to talk to you.”

“Tell him to fuck off,” Addi yelled, and I watched as Rylee physically recoiled at her rage.

“He said you’d say that so he’s on speakerphone. He said he will speak and tell you what he needs to tell you and then if you don’t want to talk to him, he will hang up.”