Page 74 of Enemy turned Mate

“But if you have evidence….”

“I do.”

Angelo’s face hardened as he nodded. “Then we get them out and deal with this.”

They hacked repeatedly but got nowhere fast, nature regrowing where they tried to destroy it. The energy seemed to have a lot to do with it but didn’t hurt them even while it cocooned that specific space. The silence inside was nerve-wracking, adding layer upon layer to his body until Nico felt ready to explode.

“This isn’t working,” Janella hissed in impatience, abandoning the hacking and racing in the other direction. “There has to be another way in—”

A scream pierced the silence as a blur charged towards her, breaking past branches that splintered in its wake. But the vampire wasn’t one to be tackled easily, rotating her body until she was on top of the creature and pushing off its back to jump into the air. She landed on the ground just as the creature swiveled, Paul’s bear form switching back to human in the blink of an eye.

“Stand down, Paul,” Angelo barked out. But he didn’t shift, understanding the consequences. Neither did Nico, who had resumed hacking his way through the spot that Paul had broken out of.

“It’s dangerous in there,” Paul declared, a hint of desperation in his tone as he appealed to Angelo with his eyes. “They tried to kill me. They are crazy, that Fae and that woman. They killed Michael—”

“Liar,” Nico cut in. But he didn’t reach out even when he wanted to, too busy trying to get to the other side.

“Your bitch has mottled your brain,” Paul snapped. “You should never have brought her to us.”

He would kill the bastard when he was done. He would hurt this man so badly. But not now.

Please be alive. Please let me in.

There were words from Angelo as he tried to diffuse the situation, then threats from Janella, who wasn’t as diplomatic. Paul’s voice floated in Nico’s senses, pleading his case…smug, and a glance down had Nico realizing why.

“Watch out!” he warned, but it was too late as Paul shifted back to bear form just as the last wisp of fog winked out of existence. The energy that hummed around them died down as Paul went for Janella—and was blocked by yet another blur that knocked his bear form down.

A beautiful, willowy woman with long locks and light eyes straightened after, her fangs out. Janella scowled.

“I could have handled that, you know.”

“I know. But you phoned us in,” Isabella mused, smiling serenely at her sister. “Naturally, I had to bring in reinforcements.”

Another figure stepped in, circling the hunched bear. Billy grinned. “There’s no way I will leave my mate to check out all the drama. She might end up slashing the bad guy to pieces.”

“That’s an exaggeration, Billy honey.”

“Sometimes.” Then Billy turned serious, coldness replacing the charming warmth. “Is everyone good?”

“Yes,” Isabella replied.

“No,” Nico said at the same time. “Guard him. Don’t let him out of your sight. I have to go get….”

Energy resurged and the forest opened up, the branches he was hacking on no longer growing. His eyes widened. Then Nico was throwing himself inside and running before he could land, eyes scanning everywhere for any sign of life. In his haste, he didn’t check ahead until he was slamming into a solid wall of steel—except this one moved and was pushed back by the force of their clash.


The voice registered just as he turned.


Michael winced and rubbed his chest, where pink marks and a lot of blood were streaked. Nico gawked, sure that it wasn’t because of him.

“Alive and kicking. I’m not ready to go down yet.”

Nico’s eyes narrowed. “Paul?”
