Page 63 of Enemy turned Mate




“I’m proud of you. I miss you. Come home.”

Home, where she belonged. Home, where Nico was. Her soul ached to be near him, too, unable to deny the one clear thing: that she had fallen so deeply and so quietly, like sinking into the loveliest bed and getting the best sleep of her life…and it was time to stop running away from it.

“I will be there soon,” she promised, then smiled when something caught her eye. It took all of her willpower not to reveal more. “See you later, Nico.”

Anne hung up and peered at the keychain where a cartoon wolf held the hands of a baby wolf.Perfect,her mind screamed, so she bought it and tucked it in her pocket as she scrambled out of that shopping district. She strolled around some more, buying boxes of delicacies here and there until her hands were full of gifts. The walk in the forest was uneventful, her light footsteps blending in the silence interrupted by a chirping bird or two. The silence lasted long…until it didn’t.

She spotted the fog first gliding from all corners before she felt it already form on her feet. She froze, her first instinct to shift and defend, but common sense dictated that would be the worst decision ever. So, she closed her eyes, then blinked repeatedly before she opened them. Her boxes wobbled in her hands as the fog crawled up, but she tightened her grip. Relief poured out when she felt no pain, only curiosity as the white clouds danced around her. She knew it recognized her, and it roused her curiosity, too, until she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Who are you? Why do you keep appearing around us?”

“I sense evil.”

The response startled her so much that she accidentally let go of one box. The scent of strawberry donuts filled her nostrils, but she didn’t bother picking it back up as she absorbed the melodious voice.Fae,her mind clicked. When she swiveled, a shadow glided closer, then stopped, almost like a hologram. The fog danced faster.

“Are you calling me evil?”

The question was spilled out before she could think it over. She expected silence but was stunned when she got another reply.

“You are surrounded by evil. You associate with evil, one whose power rises as the sun sets. You are with evil, and he will hurt to keep growing powerful. He will lead you all to success and destruction.”

“Who are you talking about? Who will lead us to destruction?”

“He is evil,” was the constant response, the melodious voice turning monotonous. “You are with evil.”

“Who are you? What are you talking about?”

“Help me.”

The voice turned small, helpless. Her back went up, aware of how one can be lured into that trap so easily.

“How do I help you?”

“Help me. Follow me.”

Logic commanded her to stay put, but her instincts were strangely silent, not even warning her of the danger. The dilemma left Anne where she was, braced to bolt away and escape like she had the last time…except the shadow retreated first without even showing its face. The fog was next, sucked away from her legs and wild before it was lost to her sight. She gave it a few minutes, numb from the confrontation but also adamant not to be followed.

Anne raced in circles, backtracked, and used the most complicated paths until she was sure that she was alone. Then she traveled back to the Bennett territory, boldly stepping into North Bear, which was as peaceful as ever. No fog. Her shoulders had started to relax until she felt yet another presence, this one more prominent than the last. She spun and gasped as a blur charged towards her—only to stop when it was inches away, mirroring her shock.


Angelo gaped. She gawked back.

“What are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you the same question,” he mused, then sighed in relief. “I thought North Bear was getting invaded again when I felt you.”

“I was in the city. I’m heading home.”

“Good. I just came from home, and the path’s clear. Use the regular shortcut.”

“Right.” She expected more instructions, but Angelo’s brows had furrowed.