Page 41 of Enemy turned Mate


“You almost lost your life, and you are still not fit for active duty.”

“I am. I can walk and run.”

Five minutes later, it was proven that Nico could only push off the bed before the pain kicked in, and he was back to lying down. No one spoke a word as Angelo updated everyone on the team’s status. Rosalia took over when the clan leader was gone, signaling Anne to get some rest. She took her exit and recharged, then walked back to the mansion in no time.

A groan came from the slightly open door near the common bathroom, just low enough that only a passerby would hear it. Anne glimpsed a flash of Peachy and Michael intertwined before she was scrambling out of there, mortification rising when she realized what was happening. By the time she reached Nico’s room, mortification had turned to speculation, remembering how happy Michael’s groan had sounded.

Nico scowled. “Didn’t I tell you to get some rest?”

Anne and Rosalia exchanged a look. Smoothly, they switched places as Rosalia rolled her eyes and quietly snuck out while Anne strode over.

“I did. How are you?”

“Ready to get out of here.”

“And being an asshole about it, from what I see.”

The directness had him stiffening before he looked away.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I know what it’s like to feel helpless.” She climbed the bed and kissed him, carefully brushing his ribs. They didn’t protest, but he was careful not to move, either, as he gobbled up her lips and sucked on her tongue. As usual, she broke the kiss first. “Hi.”

“Hi.” He huffed. “Come back.”

She didn’t respond. Instead, Anne went back to the door to lock it, then returned to his bed. But she didn’t kiss him back, either, crawling lower and lifting his shirt to check on his bandages. Rosalia had already taken most off. She traced her fingers over some scars, feeling his stomach muscles ripple. But he didn’t cry out in pain.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore?”

“Not unless I make some sudden movements. Everything has to be slow…Anne?”

She focused on untying his drawstrings and taking out his cock, which was already hard and getting harder. It pulsed when she wrapped a hand around it, the mushroom-shaped tip leaking precum. Just the sight was enough to set her body on fire, but she wouldn’t just be looking this time.

“Anne?” he repeated, voice raspy and breathing erratic.

“I thought you wanted me to seduce you,” she replied, glancing up. She drew back a gasp when she found molten orbs lasered on her, swimming with a multitude of emotions. Confusion. Realization. Anticipation. But the heaviest was the desire in its rawest form, craving only for her.

She found she couldn’t have denied him anything he asked at that moment, but Nico was speechless. So, she lowered her head and licked his tip, then kept licking until he was so rigid. She heightened the sensation when her lips closed around him, drawing him inside her until she could lap him up.

Hands nuzzled her head, then gripped her hair. His body was still careful not to move, allowing her the freedom to do whatever she wanted…and heavens, but that freedom was exhilarating. She pleased him with her mouth, then pleased herself with her fingers under her dress when the ache became unbearable for her. He watched. He tugged on her hair and tried to get her to move up, but she refused and continued pleasing him until he shuddered. Even then, Anne didn’t let up, swallowing every drop in until he was done. It wasn’t enough, the ache still rising inside her.

“Let me taste you,” he begged.

“You can’t move yet—”

“I don’t have to move.”

It triggered something inside her enough to abandon her initial plan as she crawled up and avoided his torso. He assisted her, competent hands steadying until she was in position. Her hands gripped the bedframe. When he pushed her ass up, she closed her eyes, anticipation curling for what was to come.

The first touch of tongue in between her legs uncurled the ball of pleasure inside her and spread it. Then the next was a blur as licking, lapping, and sucking became his mission, coupled with fingers sliding in and out to add to the torture. When his hands urged her again, her hips began to move in time with his tongue, losing all semblance as she desperately sought one thing.

It came with a bang, exploding so hard that her claws snapped out. He held her still while he lapped her up, then nudged her until she sank back on the bed. Nico hauled her to his side, tilting her head for a hungry kiss and letting her taste herself on him. The naughtiness of it all had her reeling, but there was a contentment that came after the wild ride.

“Sleep in the bed, please,” he requested. “The door’s locked, and no one’s coming in until morning.”

She slept soundly that night. The next day, Nico was given a chance to prove he could walk once more and graduated to reaching the bedroom door. The release from the room came with Nico exerting more effort in the flurry of days to reinstate the use of all his other muscles. He snuck in her tent every night and lay with her until dawn, sometimes too exhausted to do anything but sleep but often touching her as he pleased. When the full moon came, he was still there, egging her on until she was close to her wolf form and easing the pain away with his body always next to hers.