Page 39 of Enemy turned Mate

“Update, Billy?”

“Same as yours,” Billy intoned, his smile close to playful before he sobered. “Update on the team?”

“Michael’s awake,” someone announced, running towards them. “It took us half an hour to revive him and an hour to revive Nico.”

Belatedly, Anne didn’t realize how long she had been getting rid of tracks until that was mentioned. The last statement clenched her belly, but she affected calm as the group dispersed. The female vampire was the last to leave, glancing at Charlie.

“Do you need someone to take over?”

Charlie shook his head. “I got this. Are they going to be okay?”

“Michael, sure. Nico, we will see. It might take a few more hours for him to pull through. I suggest letting the experts handle it for now and not disturbing him. I’m pretty sure Angelo won’t let anyone go near him now, anyway.”

Translation: Anne still couldn’t see him.

And it was eating her up.


Two days later, the visitor ban was lifted, and Nico’s influx of visitors made her wonder if he had a fan club or something. She bid her time, then was inside his bedroom before she could second-guess herself. Anne blinked when she found Rosalia already there, who perked up at the sight of her.

“Oh, good, you finally visited. He kept asking about you.”

“He did?”

“Yeah, when he was awake. Peachy, Michael and Charlie were the first to visit. I was waiting for his fourth close friend.”

The cluelessness over their physical relationship had relief thrumming, but a closer look at Nico trumped it with worry. He was paler than she would have liked and bandaged up, a far cry from the untouchable, competent man.

“Is he…?”

“Asleep. He is sleeping most of the time because of his medication. It was a reptile ambush, and you know how reptile ambushes go.”

“Yes.” Anne sat on the edge of the bed, gobbling him up—just taking in the fact that he was alive. “They kill everyone.”

“Theywouldhave killed everyone if Michael and Nico didn’t do something about it. I don’t know how they did it, but the two found a way to get everyone here alive after Michael accidentally found that reptile lair. But they had some weapons that mess with the healing process, and Nico took the brunt of it.”

An ache settled in her heart as she imagined the scenario, but the relief was still greater. She looked at Rosalia.

“You are amazing.”

“I am?”

Anne nodded. “Planter, healer, harvester. A mother.”

The woman’s eyes widened as delight seeped in. Rosalia grinned. “Well, I don’t know about mother yet, but that’s because I haven’t met my mate yet. You are cool, too.”

Anne grinned back. They kept their conversation muted as they watched over Nico, who only turned once and groaned when it put a toll on his shoulder. Gently, Rosalia eased him on his back, then glanced at her watch.

“Well, I have to…” The knock on the door interrupted her. “Yes?”

A familiar head peeked in. Rosalia recognized it and was at the door, blocking most of the view.

“Hey, Bethany.”

“Hey. I wanted to check on Nico and see if he needed someone to spend the night with him. You know, in case he gets a fever and needs warmth.”

“I see.” Rosalia glanced back as if to look at Nico. But she made a face. “He’s sleeping.”