Page 36 of Enemy turned Mate

One night felt like cheating whatever this was going on between them, but he also understood where the caution came from. He lamented the loss and celebrated the surrender, and he decided to take it as it was.


It was at this point where they should have exploded into motion and just ravaged each other without restraints, but he didn’t want it to be done and over with, knowing he only had tonight. So, Nico took her hand and guided her inside the tent, zipping it closed and effectively shutting them from the rest of the world. The intimacy wrapped tighter around them as they eyed each other. Anticipation hummed from her, brought to a halt when he avoided kissing her offered mouth.

“Nico?” she asked, confused.

His fingers went for her dress and unbuttoned it. His nose nudged her head until she craned her neck and he placed his mouth there. The cloth parted to reveal tits with her nipples turned down, a state that didn’t last long as she shivered. They were stiff before his fingers could even touch, but he didn’t stop rolling them between his fingers as he laved her neck with kisses and earned a melodious rumble from her throat.

When her tits became too tempting, he gave in and closed his mouth over one. The kisses spread there before he latched on to a nipple. He licked and sucked and got lost with how good she tasted, a warm concoction of ripe woman and fresh innocence. The intent to be the most skilled lover she had ever had became lost, too, when she tugged his head up until she could finally press her mouth to his, opening up when he kissed her back.

“Anne,” he said. It was the only thing he could say as his tight chest released all the pent-up frustration he felt and he dove into the kiss like a starved man. When their tongues tangled, a roaring entered his head and pulsed through his veins, but not before he caught her as her knees weakened. “Easy there.”

She hung on to him when he lowered her on the futon, then arched her body when he lowered himself on top of her. He ground before he could stop himself as he continued devouring her, rejoicing when she ground back.

Every sound from her mouth felt like she was discovering a world of pleasure all over again, and he was more than humbled to give it to her. But that didn’t mean he didn’t slip now and then, helpless to how much she gave it in turn. Her hands found his buttons and tugged his clothes off. Her fingers found his shaft and stroked. Her mouth eagerly lowered to his stomach until he had to roll her back, weakened at her whimper of protest.

“You keep that up, and I won’t last.”

“Don’t you want it?” she asked.

“I want to be inside you,” he declared, then groaned when her mouth formed an O and she nodded. He captured it in another kiss, more brutal and glorious than the last. He rolled them once more until she was on top, waiting for her surprise to abate and her eyes to meet his. “I want you to take control.”

She didn’t hesitate. Anne was just as lost as he was as she adjusted her position on top of him, his cock in her hand the entire time. When she lowered her body, he fought from closing his eyes as the gentle pressure grew and he was encumbered in her tight, pulsing channel, as good as he had imagined it…no, better. Stupendously better. When he was sunk to the hilt, he reached for her hips.

“Just…keep still for a second. Or five seconds.”

She understood and behaved, but the vision of Anne in all her naked glory was a sight to behold. He absorbed the curves and angles, the tanned skin, and soft flesh. He cupped her tits once more, thumbs brushing over her nipples until she was leaning closer. Without his signal, she moved, rendering him a happy man as she began with smooth, slow up-and-down motions designed to please them both without being too overwhelming.

It didn’t last long. Something had to give, and it was her who gave in first. Her hips grew more restless and her movements became more erratic. When she started bouncing, he shot up to a sitting position and helped her out, lifting her butt and pushing it down every time he thrust up. The shock on her face was blasted by desire so intense, her fingers clawed on his hair and shoulders.

He took her mouth and threw himself into the delicious friction until it became unbearable. He sucked on her tongue and licked on her nipples when he was close, needing just her to anchor himself. When she pleaded with a cry, he spun them until she was on her back, knowing just what she needed. So, he gave it to her as hard as he could, pummeling it at an angle that touched her pleasure point. Anne grew wild before him, bursting into a heaving, erratic shaking before her eyes widened. At his next thrust, he swallowed the cry of release with a kiss, then moved once more until his pounding culminated into a moment he would never forget. Nico came and he came hard.

And he knew this type of blinding, soul-shifting release would never happen with anyone but her.


“Ah, there you are. Where have you been all night?”

Angelo’s question had the images popping up directly: of the first time that he took Anne, of the many times they had repeated it all through the night until they were as spent as he had promised. The positions they had tried and the things they had done to each other…it was best left unsaid, but nothing could compare to how they came together after everything, holding on as they fell into slumber. She was still sleeping when he snuck out of her tent a few minutes ago, and it was crazy how his clan leader hadn’t picked up on the scent.

Wanting to keep it that way, he stayed casual. “Just roaming around. What’s up?”

It was then that he noticed how bothered Angelo looked, too preoccupied to even try to read him. When the announcement came, Nico was braced for it.

“There is trouble with your brother. He disappeared in the middle of the night. I need you to track him down and make sure he comes back safe.”

Chapter 10

Do you like that, sweetheart? Do you like my cock inside you?

You are so wet and tight. Fuck. I could stay here forever.

That’s it, Anne. Take me hard. Don’t hold back.

Nico having a dirty mouth was the biggest astonishment Anne had discovered that night, waking her up as wet as she had been when they had started. When she found herself alone, she relaxed and stretched, then was in awe over how she was more relaxed than she had ever been in the last three years. It had to mean something, but she didn’t dwell on it and willed her aching muscles to move.

Mortification came when she remembered just how wildly she responded to him last night, but the emotion didn’t last long. A smile played on her lips as she crawled out of the tent, ready to hurl herself into her routine while she kept what felt like the biggest secret in the world.