Page 31 of Enemy turned Mate

“All Nico needs is an apology, and he’s good to go.”

The casual words did nothing to Anne, but Peachy went still as a stone. Then she stood and crossed her arms.

“Why would she need to apologize if she’s not the one at fault?”

“How would you know she’s not the one at fault?” Michael shot back.

“And why would you assume she is?”

Somehow, Anne got the idea that it was no longer about her as the two stood looking at each other, stubbornly latching on to their stance. Then Peachy uncrossed her arms and sighed.

“Are you watching this area until Charlie comes back?”


“Fine. Have a good watch.”

She stalked off after. Anne ogled in fascination as what she thought would be Michael ignoring her all the way became him staring at Peachy’s back upon her retreat with what looked like longing in his eyes. The longing disappeared when he looked away, and he was back to his composure when he returned his focus to Anne.

“I didn’t mean to make you the culprit. But my brother isn’t the type to avoid someone—or let someone avoid him—unless it involves a betrayal.” His face was lost in a memory of guilt. Then it cleared. “But that’s your business, of course.”

And you are crazy about Peachy. But you are in denial.

The lack of hostility and words made her understand that it had all been connected to Nico: a need to protect a brother that Michael had hurt. She stood up, too, and faced the man.

“Peachy isn’t the type to pick a fight unless she’s hurt.”

It was the longest sentence she had said in years, stunning even her. But there was a sense of victory when she glimpsed Michael go slack before she was marching away and leaving him to stew over what she meant. Anne brooded, too, one person running in her mind like nobody’s business, then sinking his way into her heart as if he belonged there. By the time she was done brooding, a determination was taking her to the other end of the forest until she spotted a figure facing the invisible barrier.

As if sensing her, his shoulders straightened. She could almost feel the tingles there when he slowly turned, mirroring the ones thrumming through her veins. Blue orbs locked in, worry simmering under the surface even while he tried to harden himself against her presence. An ache cried in her belly, wishing he wouldn’t put up a wall and the old, charmingly open Nico was back.

But there was no going back now.

“The family I told you about…”

Surprise feathered over his features, more muted than Michael’s reaction. But he didn’t point it out, focusing on the topic instantly. “What about them?”

She inhaled deeply and let it out. Then she let the truth out.

“I killed them three years ago. I killed my whole clan.”

Stupefaction blazed on his face, but he stayed where he was and didn’t say a word. The pressure built into her chest before it exploded. Then the words gushed out, out of control.

“My clan was having a celebration, and I couldn’t attend because I had a client to meet. I always had clients to meet and impress because I wanted to sell as much real estate as possible. This client grew close to me and was lonely. I decided to bring him to the celebration and kill two birds with one stone.”

“Anne…” Dread filled his voice, already sensing where this was going.

“He wasn’t lonely,” she blurted out. “It was all an act. The clan was burning by the time I got there, but it wasn’t until I gave him access—their clan leader—that the clan’s fighting chance was overturned. A swarm of them came. They were a clan but different kinds of beasts. He killed our leader. They knocked me down when I fought back. I was paralyzed but awake. I saw everything: how they razed our territory to the ground and burned all our people to ashes. My daughter…I heard her screaming. I watched my husband get torn to pieces.”

Talking about it felt like it was happening all over again and there was nothing she could do. The helplessness consumed her, but Nico’s voice snapped her back to reality.


“So, that’s the truth. And it’s why I’m a murderer,” she declared.

And it was a burden she was going to carry for the rest of her life. Anne rode the waves of pain deep inside. But she held on to her outward calm as she turned and left Nico to ponder over the ugly reality of her past.

Chapter 9