Page 13 of Enemy turned Mate

“Goodnight. Try to sleep, too. We will figure things out tomorrow.”

When he stopped talking and moving, she devoured everything in sight.


He slept like a baby and she was sure she would have gotten far if she had something to pick the lock. He was too big for his cot, the creaking noises alerting her to every move he made until awareness was burning brightly in her system. She supposed she should be insulted that he wasn’t even the least bit troubled about her escaping. But then again, maybe he didn’t care, the offer to protect her an offhand gesture that wouldn’t extend to searching for her if she did run away.


The idea appealed and had her getting comfortable on the futon, but she couldn’t sleep. With nothing to do, she resumed watching him, envying how he was so dead to the world—

He made a sound, and her lids slid down. Her ears perked as he groaned, a soft sound coupled with the cot squeaking against a moving weight before it settled into silence. Seconds passed. When she took a careful peek, he was lying on his back and his shirt was on the floor, discarded and crumpled.

Her gaze landed on his chest, corded in a way that had nothing to do with fancy equipment. The scrutiny cruised down, where lean, rippled abs formed a V that disappeared in his trousers. They were in a resting state now, but she imagined them rippling in tiny bursts of movements and overpowering whatever obstacle was sent his way. The idea dazed her, but she shook it off and turned, refusing to inspect the man any further.Nico.Enemy or friend?

Mulling over it tired her, so she gave in and trusted the instinct to remain quiet. Perhaps tiredness played a part in the sense of peace. Maybe it was being inside a cozy cottage. But it didn’t last long as dreams began to creep in, surrounding her with sunshine and flowers.

“Mama, come and pick flowers with me. They are so colorful today.”

There was laughter and more words washing over her as she made her way to the field. The little girl smiled widely, gums prominent and eyes sparkling when they looked at her. She bent to pick the stems the girl pointed at until a loose bouquet was in her arms, and another voice was calling out her name.

“Darling, baby, what are you guys up to?”

A man stepped into the scene, his expression already filled with humor. When he held out his hands, the little girl swiftly flew into them, embracing tightly as they both waited for Anne to step in, too. Arms banded around her, keeping her safe and sound.

“We were picking flowers, papa. For you. Do you like them?”

“I love them, baby. Now, how about we join the clan celebration? It’s starting.”

“I will join you guys later. I still have some things to do.”

The grip tightened around her to the point of discomfort. When it verged on pain, she tried to wrench away but grew ice-cold when it registered that they were no longer arms but dark vines circling her body. The vines pulsed with intention. Pain slammed in when her ribs were crushed, but her scream was soundless as darkness wrapped around her.

There was a flash, then screams reverberating everywhere. There was chaos and destruction before a voice pierced through, crying out in agony.

“Mama! Help me! Mama!”

Hands brought her down and closed over her neck. The child kept calling, but it was too late as the world burned and dead bodies were littered everywhere. The helpless cry was yanked away. She was yanked with it, waking up disoriented and heartbroken, a sob rising in her chest but never making its way out of her mouth.

Just a dream, Anne. Just a dream. It’s not happening again. It can’t happen again.

Three years had passed, but every nightmare brought it fresh in her mind until she couldn’t breathe. The pain of loss had ebbed away as she flitted from forest to forest, but the guilt overwhelmed her to the point where she could only lie there and take it in. She gulped down air, struggling to get rid of the images. It was a slow, painstaking process, and the only consolation was that they didn’t come as often as they used to.

You are safe. Just a dream. It will get better.

The ice-cold sensation didn’t leave. Neither did the ember. Belatedly, it dawned that it was coming from around her…a glow that was all too familiar. She was up on her feet and clawing on the walls before she could think, then slamming herself repeatedly on the one closest to her. Slamming turned to pounding as tears streamed down, the nightmare restarting while she was trapped, the fire licking its way into her bones. They grabbed her feet. They yanked her down and covered her, so fiercely hot and unyielding as a breath blew into her ear—

“It’s the walls. It’s a warning. Please be still.”

Nico.Nico’s voice. Nico’s warmth. Anne looked up, her vision clearing. Not fire. Not the cottage crumbling down on them, much like her home and her clan had. The walls were glowing faintly at the edges, the orange turning dark before restarting. When the heavy sensation still didn’t disappear, realization flared and had her tugging at him in a warning.

Light blue eyes clashed with hers, just as aware. Her stomach dropped at the first crack of twigs before odd tranquility encompassed them. She didn’t trust it one bit. Neither did Nico, who was so tense and ready to explode. But he stayed where he was on top of her, elbows keeping him from pressing against her and jaw clenched. The tension built as something heavy landed on top but didn’t make any more movements. It took all of her willpower not to fight Nico off and leap towards it, a wild need to protect this place firing up her insides. But another part of her weaved terror, a warning that it was imperative not to leave. A scent slithered its way in, faint but so pungent.

When the glow died and the buzzing energy flowed away naturally, Nico pushed off to his knees, fur already sprouting. She reached out and clutched his hand, pulling with all her might. She shook her head vehemently, trying to convey the severity of her feelings.

It’s dangerous. Whatever is out there doesn’t feel right.
