Page 28 of Horizontal Tasting

“Maybe. I’m here on a provisional basis. I did quit my job—”

“Good riddance.”

“But whether or not running a vineyard is for me, I have no idea. But I’m here to find out.”

“Oh my God, Rae. This is so cool. I’ve got to get up there to see you.”

“Any time,” I said sincerely, “I’d love that. But actually, I’m calling for sort of a weird reason.”

She laughed. “It’s not to tell me you’ve upended your life?”

“Not exactly.” I hesitated, but only for a second. She was busy. “Marco Grado.”


The first time I talked to Evie after my father bought the place, we were shocked at the connection. Her husband was related to the Grado family. Cousins, if I remembered, to the Grado siblings. I didn’t know how well she knew the extended family, but that's what I was calling to find out.

“Yeah, no,” she said matter of factly.

As if I had to be told. Watching him and his date had been torture. And very on-brand for him, according to his sister. But the part of me that apparently hadn’t learned and was just itching to be hit over the head with the obvious was still curious. Did Min exaggerate? Was Marco reallythatmuch of a ladies’ man?”

Come on Rae, you know the answer already.

Evie repeated. “No, no, and double no.”

“Talk to me.”

She sighed. “Let me say this. I heard the name Marco back when Tris and I started dating. I made a comment about how his entire family could be so good-looking and was told their New York cousins were basically the same. But that one was a model when he was younger. They compared Marco to Tris’s brother Gian, which isn’t a good thing. If you’re looking for an actual relationship.”

A model? Not surprising.

“Tris’s sister told me he was the ‘best looking guy who knows he’s good looking’ aside from Gian that she knew. I was curious enough to look him up. And he’s hot. Like, mega hot. But also, one hundred percent a player. I saw him in action once when he came down to visit. That’s gonna be a big fat no from me.”

What had I expected? For Evie to say, ‘Sure, I know him. They call him Saint Marco because he’s so sweet and kind’?

I sighed heavily. “That’s what I figured.”

“Listen, I have to run, but let’s talk more tomorrow. We can chat about a meet-up. Clearly you need an intervention if you’re eyeing up the likes of Marco Grado.”

“I could probably use one. And some ‘running a business’ pointers too.”

“Oh my god Rae, let’s do it. I’m serious. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll plan something. I’d be happy to share everything I know. You’ll be great at it. I’m so excited for you.”

What would I do without my friends? “Thanks Evie, I appreciate it. And you can tell me what’s going on down in Bridgewater.”

“Nothing, unfortunately. I swear this town is dying. But anyway, it’s a deal. I’ll text you tomorrow so we can set up a time to chat. I’m sure Sundays are crazy there.”

“Sounds good. Tell Tris I said hello, and enjoy your party.”

“Will do. Ciao.”

It was a very ‘Evie’ farewell.

I walked down the stairs, ready to head out on tonight’s cruise. So, that was that. I got the answer I expected. Back to the original plan. Avoid Marco like the plague. Which would be easier said than done with the guy standing in the middle of my tasting room.

