Page 79 of Horizontal Tasting

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Rae. She came into the brewery to talk to you. But then she saw you hugging some woman. Kissing her on the cheek. And she left.”

Fuck. So she was there. I looked into the dining room. Lusanne was a beautiful woman. Dark hair, like every other person in our family, and tan as shit. Apparently she’d been in Aruba last month and ‘was working on keeping her tan like it was a part-time job.’

“What did she say?” I asked.

Min frowned. “Well, she was upset. I took her into the Barn. She told us—Thayle and I—about your fight last night. And seeing you with, apparently Lus.”

Dammit. But there was more. “There’s something you’re not telling me.” Min glanced back the dining room as if she wanted to be rescued. “Min?”

“What do you expect?” she said, defensively. “First, you’re a total asshole. The poor girl knew you’d be upset about the brewery and contacted Jerry, despite the fact that he’s been treating her like a speck of dirt on the bottom of his shoe, to try to talk him out of it. And she gets your ‘Marco attitude’ for her efforts. Then she comes over anyway, and sees, looked bad.”

“Let me guess. You didn’t defend me.”

She shrugged. “Maybe a little. But honestly, I don’t know what to think.”

“Are you two coming back in or what?” Cos said, coming up to us. “Mom is getting suspicious. What’s going on?”

“Apparently,” I tried to sum the whole thing up. “Rae came into the brewery and saw me hugging Lus this afternoon. And instead of reassuring her, Dominica decided this afternoon would not be a good time to give her brother the benefit of the doubt. Despite the fact that I told her, told all of you, that Rae is different. I’m serious about her.”

“You really are,” Min said, as if it was the first time she’d heard me say that.

“Jesus,” I tossed up my hands. “Really?”

“Marco,” Cos jumped in.

But I wasn’t in the mood. “We have to get back. Can we save the lecture for another day?”

Cos’s face screwed into more anger than I was used to from him. It gave me pause, to be honest. “I wasn’t planning on a lecture. I was just going to say that, after seeing you two together Wednesday, it’s clear you guys are crazy about each other. And that I’m sure if you just talk to her, it’ll be fine.”


“Yeah, oh. If you don’t want us jumping to conclusions about you, maybe don’t do it yourself.”

Min reached for my hand. When she did, I thought of Rae. Of her telling me that I reserved the biggest chip on my shoulder for my family. So, brushing off my intended comeback, I took a deep breath and tried the truth instead. “Being an asshole is easier sometimes. That way Iknowyou guys will be disappointed and won’t have to guess at your reactions.”

Min squeezed my hand. “Marco, we know that. It’s just...getting you to see it was the hard part. I know how much this brewery means to you. And we’re all thrilled with its success. But you don’t need a successful brewery for us to be proud of you.”

“I’m as proud of you this second as I’ve ever been,” Cos said. “What you just said...that’s not easy to admit.” His anger was gone, completely. Just like that. “I’m doubling down on what I was saying about seeing you and Rae together. She’s obviously better for you than you probably realize.”

“Oh, I realize it all right.”

“Good. Then do something about it,” he said.

Min let go of my hand. “Just give her some space. Maybe text her about Lus, so she doesn’t think the worst, and then tell her to call you when she’s ready.”

“I want to go over there right now,” I admitted.

“But you won’t,” Cos said. “Because this time, it’s not about you. It’s about her, and what she needs.”

“And if she decides what she needs is to get rid of me?”

Min scrunched her nose. “Do you know how many times we wanted to do the same? But we’re right here, aren’t we?”

“Because you have to be,” I reminded her.

“Family? Yes. Working together? Spending every Wednesday night together. Dinner at Mom and Dad’s? We don’t have to do that. But we love you, Marco. You know we do.”