Page 8 of Wicked Roses

I shake my head and push the silly thought out of my mind. It’s Salvatore’s fault I’m overanalyzing every moment. Normally, I wouldn’t have cared if some random man in a patchy coat stared me down. I wouldn’t be scanning the subway car to check if anyone else is giving me similar death glares. My heart wouldn’t be beating faster.

Ever since he turned up in my office last night, I’ve been hearing his words replay in my head.

The streets are talking about the Belini verdict. You need to tread carefully.

He was trying to scare me. Intimidate me. Work some mafia boss tactic to manipulate me into backing off.

Salvatore’s bottom line was protecting his family. He’d do anything to ensure he and his men weren’t next on my hit list.

When we reach our stop, Brenda and I pop to our feet and mill toward the closest doors. We pass by the man glaring at us. He tracks us every step, his lips pressed into a tight line.

“What washisproblem?” Brenda snorts the second we’re above ground and breathing fresh air again.

“I don’t know,” I say, fiddling with my rose necklace. “It seemed personal.”

Brenda gasps. “Do you think he works for Belini?”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions.”

We reach the next intersection and wait for the little walking man to glow on the crosswalk sign. On the other side of the busy street sits the large stately building that’s City Hall.

We climb the rising stack of stone steps and enter through the revolving doors for another long day.

Police Commissioner Steven Flynn and Detectives Galecki and Santana wait for me in my office. I shouldn’t be surprised—Flynn wanted to meet yesterday. As the main detectives I’ve worked with in my investigation of the Belini organization, Galecki and Santana had reached out too. I’d declined in order to do more research on my own.

A lanky man with a bushy mustache, Flynn clears his throat and tilts his head at Brenda. It only takes me half a second to catch on.

“Liang, can you give us a moment?”

Brenda looks tempted to pout, though she obliges. Commissioner Flynn waits until the door snaps shut before he drops himself into the chair in front of my desk.

“I’m sure it’s no surprise we’re here, Ms. Adams.”

“None whatsoever, Commissioner. I’m guessing this is about the Belini verdict?”

“Partly, yes. Incredible work you’ve done with the Belini trial. It’s reminiscent of Ernest’s winning streak. He was a force to be reckoned with. The number of criminals he’s put away, and work he’s put into cleaning the streets…” Commissioner Flynn gives an impressed nod of his head, reclining in the seat with his fingers stippled together. “Northam’s sorely needed a DA with his kind of gumption.”

I round the corner of my large desk and take my proper seat. Still unsure of the reason for their visit, I keep my expression neutral. “I hope the Belini verdict is only the beginning.”

“That, I’m sure of,” he says. His eyes crinkle as he shoots me a proud look. “With that said, there’s concern over the takedown of the Belini syndicate.”

I cock a brow. “Concern? Care to explain?”

“You know all about the Belini organization and how it works. You know how powerful they are—”

“I know for the past few years, Northam’s had some questionable leadership that’s allowed them to run rampant,” I snap, unable to help myself.

“We’ve busted our asses taking them down!” Galecki blurts out, his heavy brow creased, and aggressive energy rolling off of him. “You might not understand that from your cushy office, ADA.”

“Galecki,” Commissioner Flynn says. The detective falls silent. Flynn redirects his attention to me. “No need for potshots at anyone, Ms. Adams. We’ve done a lot in our effort to dismantle the Belini family.”

“With all due respect, Commissioner, it hasn’t been enough.”

“The solution, is not to run into the situation guns blazing. That’s what surveillance and undercover operations are for. You should be working closely with Galecki and Santana to go about this in a smart and gradual fashion.”

My brow cocks even higher. “Is this about fear of retaliation? You don’t want to rock the boat too much and anger the big bad mafia guys?”

Commissioner Flynn gives a silent chuckle and shake of his head. “Ms. Adams—Delphine— you are your father’s daughter.”