Page 29 of Wicked Roses

My instinct says one of the latter two. Coincidences don’t exist as far as I’m concerned. The man who violated her did so as a warning.

The Belinis.

They must not realize what a grave mistake they’ve made. Most aren’t aware of my past relationship with Delphine. We were never too public and I was a low-level guy at the time. They don’t know they’ve just unleashed a level of vengeance they’re not ready for. I’ve earned my moniker Psycho many times over, but I have no issue proving it again. Blood, violence, and chaos have always been my specialities.

The bathroom door opens and Delphine emerges amid a cloud of steam. She’s wearing a bathrobe and her hair’s wrapped up in one of those bright headscarves. It seems a hot shower has washed away the tipsiness from earlier. She’s noticeably more sober, more the Delphine I’m used to as she pads down the hall toward me.

This is my favorite version of her—stripped down from the nice blouses and heels she wears, not a stitch of make up on, just her in her natural element.

Except my gaze dips to her banged up knees peeking out from below the hem of her bathrobe, and my homicidal urges only intensify.

Some bastard did that to her; he had her on her knees on fucking gravel, to the point it’s been two weeks and she’s still scraped up. I swallow hard and my nostrils flare releasing a rough breath.

“Feeling better?” I ask, maintaining restraint despite my internal rage.

She nods. “I wasn’t sure if you’d still be out here.”

“You know better than to think I’d leave.”

“Salvatore…” She pauses to shake her head as if in disbelief, struggling over what to say. “I didn’t want to involve you in this—or anyone. I’d just like to put it behind me. For the sake of my career.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“You don’t get to decide that. I do. And I want to move on. Your doctor checked me out. I didn’t suffer any serious injuries and I’m not pregnant. The guy got away. I didn’t even get a look at his face and I didn’t have a rape kit performed. I scrubbed away any evidence. These kind of attackers… they’re the least pursued and convicted in the courts.”

“Who said anything about involving the courts?”

She casts me a stern look. “You know better than to suggest street justice tomeof all people. I’m running for public office next year. I take this to the police and I go through the humiliation of the whole city finding out what happened. It’ll be all over the papers and on the news. I’d rather just focus on my career.”

“You sound like you’re convincing yourself. Not me.”

“Just being realistic. You claim that’s your thing, don’t you? You always used to love to say how idealistic I am.” A small, bitter smile starts at the corners of her lips. “I guess that’s changed about me. The guy got away. He’s never getting caught.”

“You’re still being unrealistic if you think he won’t be.I’mgoing to find him.”


“No,” I interrupt sharply, taking a step toward her, “I’m going to find him, Phi. I’m going to turn over every rock in this city ’til I do. And when he’s found, I’m going to kill him in the most gruesome way possible. I’ll enjoy doing it, and won’t regret it for one second. You can consider this my confession if you decide to prosecute me. I can tell you right now, it’ll be worth it.”

She covers her ears. “Youcan’ttell me these things!”

I ignore her. “Pack your stuff, Phi. You’re not staying here anymore.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’d rather you do so voluntarily,” I say plainly, as though speaking of the latest sports scores. “I’d rather not have to make you. But I will if I have to. It’s not safe for you to be here anymore.”

“Who are you to say? That’s what you still don’t get. You get no say on anything I do, Salvatore.”

“The guy took your ID. You told me yourself. He has your address. He can return to your apartment whenever he wants.”

“I’ll hire security.”

“Not good enough. Pack up. I’ll wait.”

A few seconds pass by where she glares at me and I stand as composed as ever, my face neutral, unfazed by the irritation coming off her in waves. She can hate me if she wants to, but we’re done doing things her way. I’ve tried to respect her space and given her plenty of freedom over the years.

Even if she doesn’t know I’ve always looked out for her.