Page 70 of Of Sins and Psychos

“I will.”

“A smart choice.” Leavon smiles and lifts his hand. Sand sifts through his fingertips as he gently pushes back my sister’s blonde locks. His thumb brushes down her bottom lip, and I could pull the steak of out of Vampira’s chest right now to murder this motherfucker for touching her. But then he speaks. “Eradicate repress. Illuminate logic,” he whispers strangely.

A jolt strikes through her. Her small shoulder shake. She blinks.

And then she looks around the room. Until her attention lands on me.

My heartbeat strums, picking up a tune until it’s a frantic song that’s drilling through my chest.

“Bella?” she finally whispers on a sob. Her hands lift, trembling so hard I want to hold her. “Bella, please take me home. Please. Please. Come with me. Don’t stay here. You can’t stay here.” Her words all meld together, but I feel him watching us.

My dress billows as I kneel down at her side. I hold her head in my hands. Tears stream down her face, making her look younger than her thirteen years.

“I’ll take you home,” I whisper to her. “Everything’s going to be alright. We’re going home. I promise.”

When I look up, Leavon’s arrogant smile turns twisting.

He truly did take her and torment her and let all of these girls die.

Just to get to me.

Sand twirls violently then. It sprays across my face, and I have to shield my eyes to peer up at the man who looks more like a cruel god than a Monster.

“You lie! You’ll never bow to me! You never have! Unless I have something you want.” With rushing sand, he strikes out. His magic drags at my sister’s hair. She’s ripped away from me with violent strength. The blue gown tears on a table leg as she’s pulled across the floor, and I run after her, fear blooming through my heart with every step I take.

My hands grapple at the ends of her dress, but he’s too fast. The doors fling open with unseen magic. They’re gone in seconds.

She’s gone.

With the slamming of my heart, I never stop following the sound of her screams. Chairs and tables fly through the room among a sandstorm of vehemence. Something slams painfully into my leg, but I keep going.

“Bella!” someone calls gruffly from behind me, but I’m already running out into the dark night. Rain lashes down from the heavens as sand scratches at my flesh. I rush into the thick of it. It swirls faster and faster. The growing power of it is the only reason I know at all that I’m going the right way.

Soon gleaming light swirls out, and I know where I am when the platform comes into view. Falhorns beat their hooves on hard steel as the carousel turns slow at first. And then quickly turns reckless and rapid. It lifts slightly off the wet grass, and fear strikes through my heart at what I know the dark creatures are used for.

They travel through kingdoms at a speed only they’re capable of.

If Leavon leaves, I’ll never see her again. I won’t know where they’ve gone or what he’s done with her for the rest of my life.

“Bella,” her little voice cries out, and with a strong leap, I catch the nearest bar. The jerk of it shakes through my body, pulling painfully at my arm. A horned horse stomps ahead of me as my sister kicks and screams. Leavon throws her onto the saddle, his sand pulling away along his skull before fully forming his features.

“Little useless bitch,” he seethes.

Synder unties the Falhorn from its station, and when his head lifts, his pretty eyes are tragic as he holds my gaze.

“Hurry up!” Leavon growls at him.

And it’s enough to pull away at Synder’s attention. He throws his leg over the jet-black Falhorn opposite of Leavon. He peers back at me one last time. A lifetime of regret shines in his starry eyes.

I lunge for them.

But with a loud boom, the demon horses storm forward, billowing black smoke all around them.

And then they’re gone.

The platform pulls at my frame, but I stagger with every step. My knees hit the floor hard, but I pull myself up to the other Falhorn tied at the horns. I fumble with the reigns, but I pull the tie away. I drag myself up its enormous frame. My fingers hold tight to the black leather of its bindings. I hunch forward.

I’m fucking ready.