Page 4 of Wild Thoughts

“Would you talk to DeAndre that way?”

Avery hesitated. “You’re my girlfriend. I thought I could talk to you that way, but maybe I was wrong.” She took a final sip of juice, lifted a napkin, dabbed at her mouth, then dropped it back on the table. A waitress floated to their table, refilling their glasses and removing the empty dishes around them.

When she left, Allison responded. “Listen. You can talk to me but damn it.” She rolled her eyes. “None of us lives forever, so don’t talk like your time here will be cut short unless you have something to tell me?” She stared at Avery, unblinking.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Do you? Did your doctor say something that you’re not saying?”

“No. Would you please not stare at me like that?”

“So you’re just throwing out unnecessary possibilities for what?”

“Because I don’t know what living a full life with this illness will look like.”

“Okay, but none of us do. I’m a diabetic. I have orthostatic hypotension, and other icky things come along with that, that I don’t speak on, so I understand having thoughts of living a full life, but we don’t dwell on those thoughts or let them get us down. You hear me, Avery Michele Valentine?”

“I hear you.”

“That was too dry for me.”

Avery smiled and shook her head. “I hear you, my friend—sister. You’re right. As always.”

Allison peered at her. “We are not our circumstances, our illnesses, or our problems. We stay in front of our health to ensure we are good because we’re conquerors and nothing is stronger than our will to live. You hear me?”

“Yes, I hear you.”

“I feel like I need to take you to church. When was the last time you heard a sermon?”

Laughter floated from Avery. “I watch online on Sunday mornings.”


“Plus, you’re taking me to church right now.”

“Maybe we should go together in person. So don’t book no pole practices on the weekend.”

Avery couldn’t contain her laughter, and curious eyes fluttered to them as she howled. Allison joined in her merriment.

“I’m serious, honey.”

Avery wiped the tears from her eyes. “I know you are, but to be fair, Saturdays will be the best times for practice. Unless I have a partner at WTZB.” A Cheshire cat smile slipped up Avery’s face, and this time Allison laughed.

“You’ve got one. So get it together.”

Avery gasped. “Don’t be throwing that out there. Talk to Lance first.”

“Lance will tell me to do what makes me happy.”

“Still talk to him.”

“I will, chile. But put me in coach.” Allison blinked.

“I got you!”

