Page 7 of Wild Thoughts

DeAndre twisted his lips. “Please.”

“Oh, you know what I mean.”

“To be frank, women love a handsome man, naturally. I’ve experienced this firsthand most of my life. It’s not something I’m starstruck about. I barely notice the looks, the flirting, or the fawning now. When I do, I nod and keep it moving. I’m off the market old friend. The only woman in my life is my wife, seeing to her health, ensuring she’s well, and growing our partnership.”

Corey grimaced. “I won’t lie. That sounds pretty boring. So most of your time is consumed with taking care of her?”

DeAndre sighed, unsure if he liked the direction of the conversation.

“She’s not disabled. She can take care of herself, but so can I. I do this on my own accord. And… it’s not boring. You don’t consider taking care of your spouse as fun or boring. It fills my heart to do so, and I can rest at the end of the night knowing we’re taking on another day together.” DeAndre cleared his throat. “You see, when you get married, Corey, life is no longer just about you. Your spouse has an unwavering understanding about your needs—your wants and vice versa. You two must be willing to grow and learn with and from each other. Marriage isn’t only about being in love. In a few years, you two will change. You’ll be different because you’re human. You’re not the same Corey today that you were fifteen years ago. You won’t be the same fifteen years ahead, either. Before you say I do, consider whether you’re willing to change and grow, learn and understand, build and trust, because this is life you’re doing together. Your love will deepen if you do it right.”

Corey stared at DeAndre, and a long silence lingered between them. DeAndre took another sip of his beer and sent Avery a text message.

I’m missing you like crazy.

“Damn,” Corey finally spoke up. “Here I thought I’d grown up, and you give me the lesson of all lessons. How do you know that? You and your wife have been married for how long now?”

“Two years, but I’ve got great examples in my parents. I want to be as blessed as my father in marriage, love, and age. Nothing makes me happier than to see my wife excel in whatever she puts her mind to. I will always be there to help her overcome anything that attempts to stand in her way.” He winked. “Taking care of your wife makes your dick bigger.”

Corey’s eyes widened, and he spit out his beer. “Are you fucking serious?”

DeAndre guffawed. “Nah. But you were hopeful, weren’t you?”

Corey rolled his eyes and sat back against his chair. “Maaaaaaaan!”

DeAndre roared with laughter, shaking his head as a notification came through his phone.

I’ve missed you too, Mr. Valentine. Dinner is almost ready.

I thought you were still at the grocery store.

Nope. I was leaving when we got off the phone.

Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you with the bags.

Because I knew you would fly home, and I wanted to cook for you first.

I’m on my way. I love you.

I love you too, handsome.

“You knowit’s wrong for you to play with me like that.”

“Nah,” DeAndre glanced over at Corey. “It’s wrong for you to play with your wife like that—she deserves a man with a bigger dick.”

More laughter cajoled from DeAndre, and Corey peered at him, his lips pursed. “Fuck you, Valentine.”

Howling, DeAndre sat his beer down and rose to his feet. In his pocket, he removed his wallet and set a one-hundred-dollar bill on the table for the server.

“You know it’s true,” he said, continuing to mess with Corey.

“Are you leaving?”

“Yeah. Dinner is almost ready, according to the love of my life.” He winked. “It was nice seeing you again, Riddick.” DeAndre held his hand out, and Corey stood up, accepting his departing handshake. “Lastly, get your mind off your dick. You’re not in college anymore, nor are you single. If you’re still in the mind to flirt, do your wife a favor and don’t marry her. She may be hurt now, but she’ll be devastated when you cheat later.”

“Who said I would cheat?”

DeAndre gave him a knowing look. “Don’t bullshit me, Riddick.”