Page 95 of Christmas Captive

Just as she had known it would.

“I guess we can do other stuff, but no sex,” he said firmly.

“Okay,” Chloe readily agreed with a self-satisfied smirk. She knew she was going to get her way.

“You know you’re going to be sore tomorrow,” he said as helifted her up.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him. “I don’t care. It’ll be worth every ache. I've missed you too much. I don’t want to wait another minute.”

He knew where her bedroom was from the other night and headed straight to it, laying her down on the bed. Fin was just as eager to do this as Chloe was. Seven months was alongtime to be away from the person you loved.

Her hand was pulling needily at his shoulder, urging him down so she could kiss him. Fin trapped her hand against his chest. “Slow down.” He grinned, teasing her with an impossibly light kiss.

“I can't.” She squirmed restlessly beneath him. “I need you.”

“And you’ll have me.” He touched his lips to the sensitive spot on her neck and teased it with his tongue.

Tantalizingly slowly, he kissed his way down her neck, then bypassed her chest. With her broken arm, getting the sweater off was going to be a slow and painful process, one that was going to pull both of them out of the moment and throw him back into protection mode.

Instead, his hands went to her hips, and he eased her pants down and tossed them on the floor. Then Fin couldn’t help but laugh. His silly girl was wearing a pair of snowman panties. They had a huge snowman face right in the center, complete with big, round black eyes, a goofy smile, and a carrot nose.

Chloe saw him looking at the panties and grinned. “You like them?”

“Love them. But not more than I love you,” he said as he slid the panties down her legs and tossed them to join her pants on the floor. Then he settled himself between her legs, intending to make up for lost time tonight and devour every last inch of his gorgeous woman.

Christmas Day might be tomorrow, but he was getting hisChristmas gift a little bit early this year.


10:27 A.M.

“Morning, sleepyhead.”

“Morning,” Chloe mumbled as she blinked open sleepy eyes.

“Merry Christmas.” Fin leaned over and kissed her.

That woke her up. “It’s Christmas.” She beamed. She had been dreading the holidays for weeks, scared to face it and all the memories of magical Christmases past, and the loss of the dreams she’d had of her first Christmas with her son. But now that it was here, things were pretty close to perfect. She still wished that Christopher was here and that they were celebrating his first holiday season as a family, but at least she and Fin were on the road to working things out.

“It is.” Fin smiled back at her. It was nice to see him smile again. Before last night, she hadn't seen him smile since the day before the accident. She was so glad the battering they had taken, both individually and as a couple, was easing up now.

And what better time to reconnect than Christmas.

“How’s your arm feeling?”

The pain had crept back in during the night. Invading her nightmares. Fin had woken her around midnight because she’d been crying in her sleep. He’d given her some more painkillers and gone through the whole doctor examination routine. She’d let him because she knew he needed to do it. He needed to take care of her right now; it was his way of showing her he cared.

The drugs must still be in her system and working their magic because she felt fine. Better than fine. She felt great.

“We should get up, get ready for church,” she said, stretching, and snuggling up against Fin’s warm body.

“We missed church,” Fin told her, wrapping an arm aroundher and dragging her closer until she was half draped across his chest.

“We missed church?” She loved the Christmas service at the church she had attended since she was a baby. “What time is it?” She tried to look over Fin’s shoulder to the clock on the nightstand.


“Why didn't you wake me?”