Page 48 of Christmas Captive

He couldn’t imagine a world without her in it.

How could she die thinking that he hated her?

How could he live knowing the last time they’d been together, he had treated her so badly?

There had to be a mistake.

“Fin, she’s not dead. I said don’t panic,” Eric snapped him out of his panic before he could completely lose it.

“What happened to her?” he asked tightly. Why didn't Eric just spit it out? The longer he took, the more terrifying scenarios his mind concocted.

“She was in a car accident.”

Another car accident? “How badly is she hurt?”

“Apparently, she was unconscious when first responders arrived, but she’s awake and talking now.”

“Where is she?”

“You can't go running off down there.”

In answer, he just turned and started for the door. He would search every inch of the city if he had to, but he would find her.

“Wait, what about Taylor?” Eric came after him.

“What about her? I was leaving anyway, and this is Chloe.”

“I thought it was over between you two.”

Fin just glared. It might be over between them, but that didn't mean he didn't still love her. “Where. Is. She?”

Eric sighed but rattled off an address.

As soon as he had it, he was off. He ignored Eric’s calls for him to stop and listen.

He didn't want to stop and listen.

He didn't remember getting out his keys or climbing into his car or turning on the ignition. The next thing he knew, he was just driving as fast as he could.

His stomach was twisting and twirling, tying itself in knots. His hands were shaking so badly he could hardly keep control of the car.

He had to see Chloe.

The need consumed him; it was all he could think about. Hehad no idea how many stop signs he ignored or how many red lights he ran or what speed he was going.

Nor did he care.

All he cared about was getting to Chloe.

What if she was more seriously injured than Eric had let on? His friend had said she’d been unconscious. She could have serious head injuries—not to mention injuries to her spinal cord or internal injuries. What if she had injuries she couldn’t recover from?

The police cars, fire truck, and ambulance signaled that he had arrived.

Stopping the car vaguely close to the side of the road, he jumped out, not bothering to turn the engine off or close his door.

Fin frantically scanned the crowd.

Where was she?