Page 12 of Christmas Captive

What if he did?

Supposedly there was a cop stationed at her hospital room door, but at the moment that wasn't particularly reassuring.

The cops didn't know him.

They didn't know what he was like.

They didn't know how devious he was or how smart or how cruel. It was really hard not to believe that he wouldn’t come back.

That fear hadn’t let go of her since she’d gone running for freedom. Now she was starting to wonder if it ever would. Maybe she would always fear that he’d come back for her. And what if the cops never found him? How could she ever be able to move on if he was still out there?

The simple answer was she wouldn’t.

Even if they did find him, and he was arrested and sent to prison, there would always be the possibility that he could get out.

There was only one thing that would make her truly safe.

One thing that would ensure he could never come after her again.

He had to die.

But how?

It wasn't like she knew how to track him down. And even if she did, could she really kill him in cold blood?

After everything he’d done to her, Taylor believed that she could. It might be the only way that she could ever have a life. She was only twenty-two. She wanted to go back and finish college. She wanted to date and fall in love and get married. She wanted to have kids and grow old and have grandchildren to spoil. She wanted a life.

“Taylor, are you sure you don’t want me to give you something to help you sleep?”

A small smile danced across her lips.


Dr. Fin Patrick.

She had really lucked out when of all the people she could have stumbled into, it had been a doctor. Agooddoctor. A pretty dreamy doctor, too.

Fin had hair as black as night and eyes the color of a summer sky. He had dimples when he smiled—which he rarely did—and looked like he was in his late twenties.

As hot as she thought the doctor was, that wasn't what she cared about.

He had saved her.

If he hadn’t stopped to help her, then she would have either collapsed and been left at the mercy of the elements, or she would have wandered into a road and been hit by a car.

Instead, Fin had come to her rescue.

He was her hero.

He made her feel safe, and when he looked at her, he madeher feel warm. It was weird, but when she looked into his eyes, a warmth washed over her, like his eyes had transported her to some tropical island and she was staring at the endless blue sky and the deep blue ocean while the sun shone down upon her.

“Taylor, I know you're awake. You’ve been awake all night.”

Fin knew that because he had stayed by her bedside.

Last night when he’d said he was leaving, she’d thought she would lose it. How could he leave her? What would she do without him? She would be all alone. The very idea of being alone again was terrifying. She’d been alone for nineteen long months with no one to help her or support her—no one to stop that horrible man from hurting her.

Now she had Fin.