Page 78 of Christmas Captive


2:36 P.M.

She had no idea where she was.

Chloe sensed multiple people in the room, so she tried her best to keep as still as she could while she tried to process exactly what was going on.

She remembered talking to Savannah as they drove to Taylor Sallow’s parents’ house to talk to her about looking at photos to ID her abductor.

She remembered hearing a clunk inside.

She remembered she and Savannah going in.

She remembered a sharp prick in her leg and then intense dizziness.

She remembered losing control of her body.

Then nothing.

Someone had drugged her. She could still feel the effect of the drugs lingering in her system.

It didn't take a genius to figure out she had been kidnapped.

Had Savannah been taken, too? And what about Taylor?

Carefully, she cracked her eyes open, trying to search the room without alerting whoever might be about that she was awake. If it were possible, she wanted to try to keep the element of surprise on her side.

As soon as she saw the room she was in, Chloe knew where she was.

She’d known as soon as she felt the jab of the syringe in her leg, but now she couldn’t deny it.

The Breaker had come back for Taylor, and she and Savannah had stumbled upon the kidnapping. He had obviously decided to take them with him.


She had to know if her friend was okay.

Chloe opened her eyes the rest of the way and saw Taylor sitting in a chair at a table. No, not just sitting in it—tiedto it. Handcuffs circled her wrists, securing them to the arms of the chair. Avery Ormont was lying on a bed in the corner. She wasn't tied up, but then again there didn't seem to be much need to restrain her; there was a bulky cast on one leg, and one of her hands was heavily bandaged.

She had to find a way out of here.

If she didn't, she was going to wind up like Avery, with too many broken bones to be able to put up a fight.

And she would fight this man with everything she had.

Chloe went to sit up and was surprised when she was jerked back and pain shot through her shoulders.

Her arms were extended out at the sides and secured at the wrists and elbows with leather straps to an examining table of sorts. Her legs were also secured, at the ankles and knees. Shewasn't going anywhere.

How had she not noticed that she was tied up?

Her jerky movements drew the attention of Taylor. “You’re finally awake,” the younger woman stated.

“How long?” she asked. Or tried to. Her throat was dry and sandpapery, and it hurt to talk.

“At least an hour or two,” came Taylor’s somewhat sullen reply. Chloe knew that Taylor didn't like her, but she was going to have to get over it. If they were going to get out of here alive, then they were going to need to work together.

He’d probably given her too much of whatever sedative he used since he hadn’t been expecting her to turn up. He had brought her and Taylor to wherever he was keeping Avery, so why hadn’t he brought Savannah?