Page 77 of Christmas Captive

He had to splint her leg.

The drugs had mostly left his system now, and he jumped to his feet, running through the house in search of anything he could use. He returned a couple of minutes later with a blanket and a sheet that he ripped into strips. Rolling up the blanket, he put it between her legs, then used the strips to secure her bad leg to her good one.

She was pale, and when he pressed the back of his hand to her cheek, her skin was clammy.

Savannah was going into shock.

Fin pulled out his phone and was about to call for help when she stirred and tried to move.

Fighting his fears, he tried to keep himself composed. If he panicked, she would panic, and right now, he needed to keep her calm.

“Hey, Savannah, it's Fin. Can you hear me?”

“Fin?” she murmured, her eyelashes fluttering on her cheeks as she tried to open her eyes.

“Try to stay still,” he said, his hands on her shoulders to stop her from moving as she continued to squirm.

“My leg,” she whimpered. Her eyes finally managed to open and looked up at him, filled with fear.

“It’s all right. You’ll be okay,” he soothed, hoping it was true.

From the look in her eyes, she knew he was lying. “Where’s Chloe?” she asked as she tried to search the room.

“Stay still,” he said, sharper than he’d intended, but he was struggling to hold it together.

“She’s gone. He took her and Taylor,” Savannah said, her eyes falling closed.

Taylor? This must be Taylor’s parents’ house. Chloe and Savannah must have come here to talk to her. Only instead, they must have stumbled on the killer coming back to reclaim Taylor.

Now he had her back.

And he had Chloe, too.

“Savannah, did you see him?” If she had seen him, then at least they would know who they were looking for.

She didn't answer.

She’d passed out again.

She was shaking, and he spread out the other blanket he’d brought with him over her. It should help to keep her warm until help arrived.

Finding his phone where he’d dropped it on the floor besidehim, he dialed Tom.

“Fin? Is something wrong?” Tom asked when he answered.

“I was following Chloe.”

“What? Why? Because of Marcus King?”

“I didn't want him to come after her. She went to Taylor’s parents’ house.”

“I know. She took Savannah to see if they could get Taylor to look at photos of Harley and Pete to tell us if either one of them is the killer.”

“I know.”

“How?” Tom sounded concerned now.

“There was a gunshot. I went inside. Someone drugged me. I just woke up, I don’t know how long I was out. But Savannah is hurt. Badly. She needs an ambulance. And Chloe …” He trailed off, unable to say the words out loud because it seemed to make them so much more real. “Chloe is gone.”