Page 51 of Fable Killer

“Gracie, you okay?” Ali pulled her in for a hug.

She held on a little tighter than she probably should have given that she was trying really hard to be independent and not fall into the helpless baby sister role that she knew her brothers would be all too happy with. Grace knew they wanted to see her grow strong again, but she also knew they needed to try to make up for what they thought of as their failures in finding her. They would have to try to figure out a middle ground, something that allowed all of them to get what they needed. But for now, what she needed was the safety of her family’s presence.

“I’m okay,” she assured her sister-in-law. “What about Matthew and the cops at the house? The fire? Do you know if they’re all okay?”

“I haven’t heard yet,” Elijah replied. “Come on, let’s get you into our car, we’ll drive to the station, keep you there until we figure out what to do next.”

What they were going to do next was find another safehouse, leak its location again, and then wait for Emmanuel to come back. There was no way she was giving up. Only this time they would have to make sure they had enough cops watching to make sure Emmanuel couldn’t play more games.

She was so sick of his games.

Before she could say that her phone rang, and she quickly pulled it from her purse, worried it was bad news. Matthew’s name was on the screen and her hand was shaking as she accepted the call. “Matthew?”

“Hey, honey, I called as soon as I could. Are you okay?”


“Fire is out. The other cops weren’t in the house. The fire department is here, and cops. I’m going to come to you as soon as I can.”

Grace wanted to beg him to come quickly, but she couldn’t allow herself to rely on him too much. She liked him, hoped they had a future, but she had learned that when it came down to it, the only person you could ever truly rely upon was yourself. That was why she had to get strong, why she had to learn how to defend herself, why she had to survive. Still …

“Be safe, Matthew, Emmanuel could still be around, I don’t want him to hurt you.”

“He won't hurt me, Grace.”

Of course he couldn’t know that.

“I’ll be careful, I promise,” Matthew said. “Now promise me the same.”

She gave a small smile even though he couldn’t see her. “I promise. And, Matthew?”

“Yeah, curly?”


“Sweetheart, trust me, I’m hurrying.”

As she ended the call, Grace couldn’t help but wonder if maybe it wasn’t a weakness to need someone if they needed you just as badly.

* * * * *

5:50 A.M.

He opened his arms and Grace didn't hesitate to walk into them.

The second he had her wrapped in an embrace, Matthew finally felt himself settle.

Grace was safe, alive, uninjured, and yet he couldn’t help but feel like Emmanuel had taken another piece of her soul with his latest stunt. When everyone else left the new safehouse they needed to talk. She was holding back, and while she was entitled to keep anything not pertaining to finding Emmanuel to herself if she chose, whatever she was keeping to herself was hurting her. The nightmares and her breakdown when they’d been in bed were proof of that.

Earning her trust was important to him, and he wanted her to know that there wasn’t anything she couldn’t tell him.

“You’re okay,” Grace murmured, voice muffled as her face pressed against his chest. “I was scared.”

“I wouldn’t have let him hurt you,” he promised, tightening his hold on her.

She lifted her head and looked up at him. “Scared foryou.”

Such simple words and yet they latched on to a place deep inside of him. It had been a long time since anyone had cared that deeply about him. Perhaps even the first time. Grace had given him a gift he had no intention of squandering.