Page 78 of Fable Killer

A dog?

Her eyes flew to Laynie’s, who was holding the leash. Her sister-in-law had mentioned the possibility of looking into getting her a protection dog, but with everything that had happened the last couple of days she’d completely forgotten. Could this …?

“Her name is Leila and she’s two years old. She’s trained as a protection dog. You’ll have to do some training with her so you learn all of her commands and how to practice them so she doesn’t get rusty, but she’s all yours,” Laynie informed her, handing over the leash.

“Mine?” Grace held the leash but didn't allow herself to touch the dog yet. Yes, she’d told her siblings she wanted a dog, but it wasn’t something she and Matthew had talked about, and he might not want a dog living in his house. She’d planned on getting her own place and she didn't even know if Matthew liked dogs. She looked up at him. “If you don’t …”

He touched a finger to her lips. “I knew about the dog. I've always wanted a pet but I just never had the time to put into one. Between the two of us we should be able to make it work between my job, yours, and your studies. Besides, I’ll feel better on nights when I'm not here to know you’re not alone, that you have a protection dog by your side.”

Grace threw her arms around him and kissed him hard on the lips, rolling her eyes at the oohs and ahhs sounding behind them. Then she dropped to her knees beside the dog and held out her hand. Leila sniffed it curiously and then rested her head on Grace’s shoulder and she wrapped her arms around the dog’s neck, already in love with the sweet natured girl.

This was perfect.

After years of crippling loneliness, trapped in a nightmare she had been sure she was never going to escape. Now she had a dog in her arms who she already knew was going to become her best friend and confidant, she was surrounded by people, both family and not, who cared about her, and she had a man standing behind her, his hand gently stroking her curls, who already lived inside her heart.

She had a feeling she would never be alone again.