Page 77 of Fable Killer

He didn't let up, working her as she rode out the wave of ecstasy until she finally sagged in her seat, only then did he remove his hand, sticking his fingers in her mouth and sucking, enjoying the flare of heat in Grace’s blue eyes.

“Did we really just make out while you’re driving the car?” she asked with a lazy smile.

“Yeah, we did.”

“I liked it. I liked being wild, being free. I like being with you.”

He reached out and took her hand again. “You know the best part, sweetheart? We have a whole lifetime ahead of us to be wild and free. An entire lifetime.” Which sounded pretty perfect as far as he was concerned.

* * * * *

12:00 P.M.

Grace felt something growing inside her that hadn't been there before.

A strength, a determination, maybe one that came from knowing she hadn't given up, she hadn't shied away from playing bait, and while it hadn't worked out the way any of them had hoped in the end Jason had been taken care of and she was now free. A week ago, she had been determined to rebuild her life, but now she could admit she was running from her feelings, pretending she wasn’t as affected by her ordeal as she was.

No more running.

Now she was ready to face what had happened to her while, at the same time, still rebuild the life that had been stolen from her and reclaiming control.

“I was thinking that maybe I'd see about joining a support group for survivors,” she told Matthew. “It’s hard to talk to someone who can't really understand what I went through, so I thought that was better than trying another counselor. I'm not counting it out, and maybe I’ll even get a good recommendation from another survivor, but I don’t want to pretend that I'm fine anymore. I'm not fine, but I also know I will be. I have the best family ever, and I have you. I have everything I need to rebuild my life, and if it’s a struggle to get there, then I know I’ll grow stronger as I walk that path.”

“I'm so proud of you, do you know that? You're amazing, an inspiration, and you're going to be a great therapist. You're going to save lives, do you realize that? Not just other survivors like you but the lives of everyone who loves them too. I'm so in awe of you, you're completely amazing. I want you to know that it’s never a weakness to struggle or to ask for help. You have so many people who are there for you, who will drop everything to give you what you need, so I want you to promise me something.”


“There are going to be dark days over the coming weeks and months, probably for both of us, but I want you to promise me that on those dark days, where the burden seems too heavy to carry for another second and you just want to give up, on those days I want you to reach out to me, tell me, let me help you hold that burden.”

“Promise,” Grace said without hesitation. “You promise me the same. Your mom and sister messed up when they weren’t grateful to you for saving their lives, that’s their loss. But you're not alone anymore, Matthew. You have me and you have my whole family. So, when you’re feeling unlovable and you want to shut everyone out, I want you to reach out to me, tell me, letmehelpyouhold that burden.”


“I love you.”

“I love you more, honey.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.” It was the craziest thing, when she had first woken in the hospital she’d felt so broken inside, disconnected, damaged, like she would never be able to be a normal person. Then Matthew had started coming around, being sweet, making her laugh, treating her like she was just another person instead of a victim, sharing his deepest secrets with her, and all of a sudden, she was falling in love with him.

“Here we go, home sweet home,” Matthew announced as he turned into the driveway of a two-story house. It was painted a bright crisp white, the garden was simple, just a neatly mowed lawn, but there was a cute arbor covered in a flowered vine at the garden gate giving it a warm and inviting feel. She could already see herself being happy living here. Matthew was off work for a month, and while they both had injuries to recover from, maybe they could spend some of their time doing a little gardening, planting those flower beds she’d been thinking about. If Matthew was happy for her to start putting her stamp on their home that was.

Ali and Laynie had packed up her clothes from Jem and Laynie’s house and brought them by the hospital, so as they got out of the car, Matthew went to the back and grabbed her suitcase, then he took her hand and together they headed for the house. It had a huge front porch that ran the width of the building. On one side of the front door was a small table and two chairs, on the other was a large porch swing she could already tell was going to become one of her favorite places to curl up on a warm summer’s evening.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Matthew said, setting down her bags and scooping her up into his arms. “I know we’re not newlyweds, but this is still the beginning of our lives together and I want to do it right.”

One handed, he unlocked the door, his lips finding hers as he pushed it open. Grace was already feeling her body growing hot and needy, a throbbing started between her legs, and she was about to suggest they head straight upstairs to the bedroom, when …

“Welcome home!”

The cacophony of voices drew her attention and she turned to find the foyer filled with her family and their friends. Friends that might one day be her friends. Elijah and Jeremiah were there, of course, along with Ali and Laynie. Then there were some people she’d met and others who she’d only heard of and seen pictures of from her family. There was Ali’s partner Jonathon, his wife Clara, and their seventeen-month-old son Kyle. There was Clara’s sister Naomi and her husband Sam, and their six-month-old daughter Daveli, and Clara and Naomi’s other sister Aggie and her husband Nick and their two-month-old son Ryan. There was Nick’s brother Luke, and his heavily pregnant wife Summer, and Matthew’s partner Rylla, her husband Nate, Rylla’s thirteen-year-old niece and ten-year-old nephew who the couple was raising. Rylla’s hand rested almost absently on her stomach and Matthew had told her that his partner had just found out she was expecting.

So many smiling faces, and while she didn't know most of them, they had still showed up today to support her. They’d put their lives on the line to try to keep her safe, they were people she wanted to get to know, who she hoped would become friends, part of her and Matthew’s extended family.

“Please tell me you didn't marry my sister,” Elijah teased, and it was nice to see him relaxed, like the brother she remembered and not the stressed-out man who had worried over her the last several days.

“Not yet,” Matthew said with a grin as he set her on her feet.

Before she could tell him to name the time and place and she’d be there, the pitter-patter of paws sounded and a large German Shepherd with the softest looking fur and the cutest pair of ears made its way through the crowd of people.