Page 76 of Fable Killer

“Because they like you and they know you're a good guy. I think they’re worried that my feelings aren’t real, that it’s just because you saved me and therefore you make me feel safe. That once I get my feet beneath me, I won't need you anymore.” She tightened her grip on his hand, her voice began imploring. “I want you to know that it’s not true. My feelings are real and they’re not going anywhere. When I thought I was going to die, my last thoughts were of you, of everything we wouldn’t get to do.”

“I know your feelings are real, Grace,” he assured her. While he didn't want her worrying that he doubted her, he had to admit it felt nice to know that her family cared about him enough to not want him to get hurt. It had been a long time since he had a family to care. “If you’d rather go home with them, I’ll understand.”

“No, I'm right where I want to be. I love my family so much, and I know they love me which is why I promised them I’d talk to them every day and see them as often as I could. Which reminds me that I have to see about getting my license back and getting a car.”

There was so much Grace needed to do to rebuild her life, and he was so honored that she had chosen to have him by her side while she did that. “Tomorrow we’ll go shopping, buy you whatever you need, clothes, toiletries, whatever you're going to need to make my home feel like our home, but today I just want to lock ourselves away from the rest of the world.”

“Sounds perfect,” Grace murmured and all of a sudden, the car was filled with a simmering sexual tension.

That tensionratchetedup several notches when Grace tugged her hand free from his and settled it in his lap, stroking him through his jeans. She was a little minx his sweet Grace, despite everything that had happened to her she was learning to be confident again, both in her desire to rebuild all she’d lost and in her sexuality.

“Grace,” he warned as his body began to respond to her gentle touch.

“Yeah?” she asked, innocence personified. “You don’t like?”

“Oh, you know I like, babe, but I'm driving, and you’ve been through a lot, you don’t have to do this.”

Her fingers moved to his zipper, and he sucked in a breath as her fingertips touched his bare skin. “Does it seem like I'm doing something I don’t want to do?”

From the sexy purr of her voice to the way she touched him, it was abundantly clear that she was doing exactly what she wanted to be doing.

There was no way he wouldn’t respond to her touch, and he quickly grew hard as her strokes grew firmer and faster. It was obvious that she was determined to make him come and he wanted to give her what she wanted.

“Word of warning, sweetheart, as soon as I get you alone, I'm going to enjoy my payback.”

Her fingers trembled and her voice was breathy, “I look forward to it. I'm ready to make new memories, I'm ready to enjoy life, I'm not going to bury my head in the sand and pretend that what Jason did won't affect me for the rest of my life, but I want to be happy. I want to be free.”

As she spoke her hand moved faster up and down his length, swirling the pad of her thumb over his tip. He felt pleasure building at the base of his spine. “I'm going to come, sweetheart,” he warned.

“Good, I want to watch you fall apart, I want to bring you pleasure, I want to make good things happen,” she whispered, and he knew the last was her way of trying to let go of her guilt over the lives she had been forced to take.

He wanted to give her power over her guilt, power to take the first step in releasing its hold on her, power to control her own life, giving what she wanted of her own free will and not because she was forced to.

Letting go, Matthew allowed himself to take the pleasure Grace was offering knowing that he was helping her in the process.

The orgasm hit hard and fast, momentarily stealing his breath and it was everything he could do to keep control of the car and not send them crashing into another car, or a pedestrian, or whatever else got in their way.

When he was able to think of anything other than keeping the car on the road, he glanced over at Grace to find her smiling smugly as she removed her hand from inside his pants. Given the bruising and broken nails from her fighting against the coffin lid, she really shouldn’t have done that, but it was clear it meant a lot to her.

“Come here,” he said, reaching for her hand.

“You're supposed to be driving.”

“You weren’t worrying about that a second ago. I warned you honey.” Keeping one hand on the steering wheel his other slipped up under her dress. “You're not wearing panties,” he groaned.

Grace laughed. “I tried but the band kept pressing against the wounds on my back, it was uncomfortable, so I didn't bother. Besides, we were only going back to your place, I didn't think I needed them.”

“You didn't. In fact, you should never wear panties again, so I always have easy access to this.” He traced her entrance, found it already wet and ready for him and slipped a finger inside.

A sexy little moan fell from her lips and as he slid his finger deeper and pressed his thumb against her little bundle of nerves she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, chewing on it in the most adorable way.

Matthew added a second finger, stretched her, teased her, increasing the pressure on her hard little bud.

Her breathing became choppy, her fingers curled into fists, and he could feel her internal muscles trembling.

“Come for me, baby,” he said as he curled his fingers around so he could find that spot inside her he knew would be guaranteed to make her fall apart.

Which she did.